I have a problem to set properties on jqxNumberInput to show positive Integer numbers without dot separator. Number 34533 in numberInput cell ‘Code’ shows like 34.533. Could you please help me?
My code:
// grid
width : 885,
source : dataAdapter,
pageable : true,
autoheight : true,
editable : true,
selectionmode : 'singlecell',
pagesize : 5,
pagesizeoptions : ['5', '10'],
columns: [{
text : 'Date to',
datafield : 'dateTo',
width : 110,
columntype : 'datetimeinput'
}, {
text : 'Duration',
datafield : 'duration',
width : 120
}, {
text : 'Some text',
datafield : 'text',
width : 140
}, {
text : 'Code',
datafield : 'code',
width : 90,
cellsalign : 'right'
cellsformat : 'n',
columntype : 'numberinput',
initeditor : function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
decimalDigits : 0,
digits : 5,
spinButtons : false,
groupSize : 0
}, {
text : 'Currency',
datafield : 'currency',
width : 170,
cellsalign : 'right'
Thank you for help!