Native support for Angular 19, Vue and React

Enterprise ready UI Components for Angular, Vue.js, React, Blazor, ASP .NET Core and jQuery

No external dependencies, excellent compatibility and many examples

The most feature complete framework for building rich and responsive user interface.

Best in class UI for Web & Mobile

Build amazing Web sites & mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

Built to natively work with Angular, Vue, React, Web Components, Blazor and jQuery.

Grids, Scheduling, Charts and 180+ UI components.

Write once and don’t worry about browser compatibility issues. Your web sites & apps will look great in every browser.

Interactive Animated HTML5 Charts Built 100% in JavaScript

High quality hardware accelerated web rendering using SVG & HTML5 in modern browsers like Safari, FireFox, Chrome and Edge

Works with Angular, React, Vue and Web Components

Enterprise Web Components

Develop enterprise Web Applications with modern, mobile optimized, Material Web Components

Enable your sites to automatically adapt to different device types, layouts and touch capabilities.

0 dependencies. 0 learning curve.

Native support for Angular 19, Vue and React

Enterprise ready UI Components for Angular, Vue.js, React, Blazor, ASP .NET Core and jQuery

No external dependencies, excellent compatibility and many examples

The most feature complete framework for building rich and responsive user interface.

Best in class UI for Web & Mobile

Build amazing Web sites & mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

Built to natively work with Angular, Vue, React, Web Components, Blazor and jQuery.

Grids, Scheduling, Charts and 180+ UI components.

Write once and don’t worry about browser compatibility issues. Your web sites & apps will look great in every browser.

jQWidgets works in HTML5, jQuery, AngularJS, Angular7, Vue, React, TypeScript
jQuery Chart

Advanced JavaScript & HTML5 UI Framework

jQWidgets provides a comprehensive solution for building professional web sites and mobile apps. It is built entirely on open standards and technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. jQWidgets enables responsive web development and helps you create apps and websites that look beautiful on desktops, tablets and smart phones. You can use jQWidgets with TypeScript, popular frameworks like Angular, Vue, React and server-side technologies like ASP.NET MVC, PHP, JSP and Node.js
jQWidgets is a feature complete framework with professional touch-enabled Javascript components, themes, input validation, drag & drop plug-ins, data adapters, built-in WAI-ARIA accessibility, internationalization and MVVM support.

Natively works with Angular

The latest versions of jQWidgets are built natively for Angular. They deliver the best possible capabilities for those interested in building modern UI applications with the latest JavaScript technologies. jQWidgets does not require external references to jQuery when used in Angular applications. Learn more about using jQWidgets with Angular

jQWidgets Vue UI Components

Feature-complete UI Components for Vue apps. The toolkit includes 60+ User Interface components ready to use with Vue. Our Vue components come with 27 standard themes including popular Bootstrap and Material themes. You can learn more about using jQWidgets with Vue here: jQWidgets Vue UI Components

jQWidgets React UI Components

jQWidgets is the most complete framework offering over 60 JS UI Components for React. You can learn more about using jQWidgets with React JavaScript Library here: jQWidgets React UI Components

jQWidgets Blazor UI Components

jQWidgets is a feature-complete framework offering over 60 UI Components for Blazor. You can learn more about using jQWidgets with Blazor here: jQWidgets Blazor UI Components

jQWidgets ASP.NET MVC Core Tag Helpers Library

jQWidgets provides a comprehensive set of UI Tag Helpers for ASP.NET MVC Core. The jQWidgets TagHelpers UI library consists of over 70 UI Controls that wrap around the native HTML5 JavaScript controls. The API of the ASP.NET MVC TagHelpers Framework is 100% compatible with the respective JavaScript API. Learn more about using jQWidgets with ASP.NET MVC Core Tag Helpers

jQWidgets Web Components

Enterprise Web Components for modern web development with Material Design. Smart UI is a Next-generation Vanilla JS and ECMAScript 6(ES6) Front-End framework. Smart UI library includes 60+ components. It is available for Vanilla Javascript, Angular, React, Vue and Blazor.
  • Works Across
    Devices & Browsers

    jQWidgets takes the JavaScript & HTML UI development to a new level. It provides built-in device and browser detection and automatically adjusts itself for optimal user experience.

  • Optimized for

    Small footprint, highly responsive, carefully optimized to deliver outstanding experience on a wide range of devices, operating systems and browsers.

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

We want to say thank you to the jQWidgets team! You have been of great support for the success of our application, you have really helped us reduce development time as well as our application costs, we owe our success to you to some extent.

Bouanda Abraham Messina

General Manager of topnet solutions

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

National Instruments has partnered with JQWidgets Ltd. to bring HTMLElements to NI’s suite of engineering tools and development environments including LabVIEW NXG and SystemLink. Our goal has to bring the ubiquity and accessibility of the web to automated test and measurement applications. To do so we required a partner who could create fully featured controls that met the performance and UI requirements of demanding engineering applications. JQWidgets has built a technology stack with the flexibility to fit into multiple different applications frameworks and visual styles while also providing assurances of the long term sustainability by leverage the latest W3C Custom Element standard.

Mark Black

Software Product Owner
National Instruments

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

I’ve been in the software development for over 30 years, this is the first time (that I remember) that product provider has contacted me personal to offer assistance! But, to respond as quickly as you did with a solution is absolutely amazing! A job well done! I didn’t spent hours googling for a solution, you provided it quickly!

R. James Ptreston

Software Developer

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

I was waiting for professional widgets based on jQuery for years! This is great! I cannot believe that these are supported widgets.

Lukasz Ochoda

Software Developer

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

We want to say thank you to the jQWidgets team! You have been of great support for the success of our application, you have really helped us reduce development time as well as our application costs, we owe our success to you to some extent.

Bouanda Abraham Messina

General Manager of topnet solutions

What Customers Say
About jQWidgets

National Instruments has partnered with JQWidgets Ltd. to bring HTMLElements to NI’s suite of engineering tools and development environments including LabVIEW NXG and SystemLink. Our goal has to bring the ubiquity and accessibility of the web to automated test and measurement applications. To do so we required a partner who could create fully featured controls that met the performance and UI requirements of demanding engineering applications. JQWidgets has built a technology stack with the flexibility to fit into multiple different applications frameworks and visual styles while also providing assurances of the long term sustainability by leverage the latest W3C Custom Element standard.

Mark Black

Software Product Owner
National Instruments

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