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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid How to line up aggregates under grid columns

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ivailo 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • kms

    In my groupsrenderer function I stored my aggregate metrics for each column in variables something like this:
    var aggCol1 = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“Column 1”, [‘sum’], true, data.subItems);
    var aggCol2 = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“Column 2”, [‘avg’], true, data.subItems);
    var aggCol3 = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“Column 3”, [‘avg’], true, data.subItems);

    I calculated the offset pixels to column 1 by trial and error and set a variable to that, and set offset pixels for each of the other columns into their own variable something like this:
    var offsetPixels = 230;
    // I’ll tell you about aggMetricsOffset in a second
    offsetPixels += aggMetricsOffset;
    var offsetCol2 = offsetPixels + 90 // 90 == width of column 1
    var offsetCol3 = offsetCol2 + 70 // 70 == width of column 2

    aggMetricsOffset defined at global level and defaults to 30 pixels (the width of the little arrow blocks on the left of grouping rows)
    because I have the grid initially display with one grouping level.
    aggMetricsOffset gets changed inside of the grids groupschanged function so that every time a group is added or removed
    the offset to the start of the aggregate metrics gets adjusted the correct number of 30 pixels to the left or right something
    like this:

    function (event)
    var args = event.args;
    var groups = args.groups;
    aggMetricsOffset = 0;
    if( groups.length == 2 ) aggMetricsOffset = 30;
    if( groups.length == 3 ) aggMetricsOffset = 60;

    And finally back inside the groupsrenderer function the return string value gets built something like this:

    return ‘<div class=”jqx-grid-groups-row” style=”display: inline;”><span>’ + group + ‘, </span>’ +
    ‘<span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + ‘(‘ + count + ‘)’ + ‘</span>’ +
    ‘<div style=”left:’ + offsetPixels + ‘px;width:80px;display:inline;position:absolute” ><b>Averages:</b></div>’ +
    ‘<div style=”left:’ + offsetCol2 + ‘px;width:90px;display:inline;position:absolute;” >’ +
    ‘<span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + aggCol2.avg + ‘</span></div>’ +
    ‘<div style=”left:’ + offsetCol3 + ‘px;width:70px;display:inline;position:absolute” >’ +
    ‘<span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + aggCol3.avg) + ‘</span></div></div>’


    I need to line up me aggregates under grid columns but it doesn’t seem to work, what am I doing wrong?

    var groupsrenderer = function (text, group, expanded, data) {
    var text = data.groupcolumn.text + ‘: ‘ + group;

    if (data.subItems.length > 0)
    var aggregate_nowTillEnd = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“nowTillEnd”, [‘sum’], true, data.subItems);
    var aggregate_fullCurrMonth = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“fullCurrMonth”, [‘sum’], true, data.subItems);
    var aggregate_nextMonth = this.getcolumnaggregateddata(“nextMonth”, [‘sum’], true, data.subItems);

    var renderstring = ‘<div class=”jqx-grid-groups-row” style=”display: inline;”>’ +
    ‘<span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + text + ‘ </span>’ +
    ‘<div style=”right:250px;width:80px;display:inline;position:absolute”><span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + aggregate_nowTillEnd.sum + ‘</span></div>’ +
    ‘<div style=”right:350px;width:80px;display:inline;position:absolute”><span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + aggregate_fullCurrMonth.sum + ‘</span></div>’ +
    ‘<div style=”right:450px;width:80px;display:inline;position:absolute”><span class=”jqx-grid-groups-row-details”>’ + aggregate_nextMonth.sum + ‘</span></div>’ +

    return renderstring;



    Hi libibd,

    Please send a jsEditor demo with your whole code for better analyze of the problem.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team


    Hi Ivailo,
    Here is my code, it’s a mix of your samples and the snip code above:

    Please advice how to line up total aggregate with Price column.
    SOS 🙂


    Hi libibd,

    You can try to align your aggregate in same way as the rest of the columns.
    Here is a demo.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

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