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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid selectionmode possible issue

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  DavidSimmons 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Grid selectionmode possible issue #25971


    I am using grid cells on celldoubleclick to open drill down windows which works great. The problem is after closing the window the mouse select is selecting all data from were your mouse started by the celldoubleclick to the current position. Everything is in a select mode until I click to end the selection. Is there anyway to end the selection before the new window is opened?

    $(jqxgrid).on(“celldoubleclick”, function (event) {
    var column = event.args.column;
    var rowindex = event.args.rowindex;
    var columnindex = event.args.columnindex;

    if (column.text == “ID” ) {
    var ID = $(jqxgrid).jqxGrid(‘getcellvalue’, rowindex, “ID”);
    window.open(“../UI/window.php?ID=” + ID);

    Grid selectionmode possible issue #25986


    Hello DavidSimmons,

    The selection ends only on the mouseup event over the grid. Thus, closing the window will not end the selection.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Grid selectionmode possible issue #26014


    Ok, sense I double click on the parent window cell to open the child window the parent window does not receive the mouseup event. Is there a different selectionmode I should use, or a different way of opening the window I could try to prevent this. Or possibly is there a way to cancel this when the parent window gains focus again.

    Grid selectionmode possible issue #26049


    Hi DavidSimmons,

    This behaviour happens with the selection modes “multiplecellsextended” and “multiplecellsadvanced” so you may use either of the other two selection modes – “singlecell” or “multiplecells”.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Grid selectionmode possible issue #27005


    Is there a way to end selection after a window.open?

    $(jqxgrid).on(“celldoubleclick”, function (event) {
    var column = event.args.column;
    var rowindex = event.args.rowindex;
    var columnindex = event.args.columnindex;

    if (column.text == “ID”) {
    var ID = $(jqxgrid).jqxGrid(‘getcellvalue’, rowindex, “ID”);
    window.open(“../Lookup/Lookup.php?ID=” + ID );
    End Selection



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