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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid Selection mode (checkbox, singlerow)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Yuri Jin

    Hi, I have some questions about selection mode of Jqxgrid.

    first, I want to have checkbox for each rows, of course including header checkbox for all selection.
    There are some function for selected rows.

    Second, I have to catch the row click event to display detail information.

    But When I use ‘checkbox’ selectionmode, I can’t use any other function for ‘rowselect’ event.
    Because When I check the checkbox, It causes ‘rowselect’ event.

    I need both ‘checkbox’ and ‘singlerow’
    Is there any special selecton mode like that?

    Please let me know how to make it.


    Hello Yuri Jin,

    There is no such selectionmode in jqxGrid’s API, but maybe the rowclick event will be helpful to you (instead of rowselect).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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