Hi Peter
I tried to add tool tip to Grid cell by your suggestion on the another thread. Issue is its showing last visited tooltip when you mouse on the outer parts of the grid like pager or some times even in other cells when move mouse out and into the grid. Any Help?
cellhover: function (element, pageX, pageY) {
var cell = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getcellatposition', pageX, pageY);
if (cell.column == "inParamsTxt") {
var tooltipContent = $(element).find(":first-child").attr('tooltip');
if(!isStrBlank(tooltipContent)) {
tooltipContent = "<div style='color: Green; text-align:left;'>" + tooltipContent + "</div>";
$("#jqxgrid").jqxTooltip({ position: 'mouse', content: tooltipContent, opacity:1 });
// open tooltip.
$("#jqxgrid").jqxTooltip('open', pageX + 15, pageY + 15);
} else {
} else {