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Tagged: angular grid, cascading, Cell, cellvaluechanging, getcellvalue, grid, jquery grid, jqxgrid, value
This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by sureshatpure 9 years, 4 months ago.
November 4, 2015 at 1:04 pm get dropdown id instead for display name on change event of dependent dropdowns #77751
Hi Dimitar,
I have two dropdown dependent values Status and Substatus
initially when i add a row i populate the lead status based on the value in “Lead id” column, if no lead id is there
then i populate all the lead status in the Status column
now when i change the value of the Status, in the cellvaluechanging function when i try to alert i get the statusname (i mean the name of the status – Prospect or Met the Customer…or so…. ) instead i want to alert the id’s of these status.. how can these be done..
id Statusname
== ===========
1 Prospect
2 Met the customer
3 Credit Assessment
4 Sample,Trails & Formalities
5 Enquiry/Offer/Negotiation
6 Managing And ImplementationSample code..
============={text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst,promptText:'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); // alert("datafield "+datafield); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } },
Full Code
==========$("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid( { height: 200, selectionmode: 'rowselect', source: dataAdapterAdd, theme: theme, editable: true, columnsresize: true, columns: [ {text: 'UID', datafield: 'uid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left', hidden: true}, {text: 'Customer Group', datafield: 'custgroup', width: 100, editable: false}, {text: 'Cust Id', datafield: 'id', width: 100, editable: false}, {text: 'Product Group', datafield: 'itemgroup', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'Prod Id', datafield: 'itemid', width: 100, editable: false}, {text: 'Lead id', datafield: 'leadid', displayfield: 'leadid', width: 127, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditor, initeditor: Results.resultsEditor, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnits,promptText:'Select Leadid', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { //alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } } }, {text: 'noofleads', datafield: 'noofleads', hidden:false, width: 20, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'result_type', datafield: 'result_type',hidden:false, width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, { text: 'Create Lead', datafield: 'create_lead', hidden:false, width: 20, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'Activity Type', datafield: 'Sub_Activity', width: 110, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorat, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorat, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsat }, {text: 'Potential', datafield: 'Potential_Quantity', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', editable: false}, {text: 'Required Quantity', datafield: 'Quantity_Requirement', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit: function (row, datafield, columntype) { var rowdata = $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid = rowdata.leadid; // alert("leadid in quantity cell rendering "+leadid); if(leadid==undefined || leadid==0) { return true; } else { return false; } } }, {text: 'Sales Type', datafield: 'division', width: 110, cellsalign: 'left',readonly:true,cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsst }, {text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst,promptText:'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); // alert("datafield "+datafield); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } }, {text: 'SubStatus', datafield: 'leadsubstatusid', width: 200, cellsalign: 'left',readonly:false,cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldsubst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldsubst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldsubst,cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { // alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { if(newvalue=='Appointment Fixed') { $("#appiontment_date").val(null); $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('show'); $("#save_appdt").click(function (event){ var date_text = $('#appiontment_date').jqxDateTimeInput('getText'); if(date_text=="") { alert("Please select the Appointment Date"); return false; } else { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "appiontmnt_dt",date_text); $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('close'); } }); } /*Not able to get appointment start*/ if(newvalue=='Not Able to get the Appointment') { $("#popupWindowNot").jqxWindow('show'); $("#save_na2gappdt").click(function (event){ var reason_text = $('#not_able_to_get_appointment').val(); if(reason_text=="") { alert("Please Enter the Reason"); return false; } else { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "not_able_to_get_appointment",reason_text); $("#popupWindowNot").jqxWindow('close'); } }); } /* Not able to get appointment end*/ return newvalue; } } }, {text: 'Apptmnt Date', datafield: 'appiontmnt_dt', columntype:'datetimeinput', width: 110, align: 'left', cellsformat: 'd',formatString: 'dd/MM/yyyy',readonly:true,editable:false, hidden:false}, {text: 'Not Able', datafield: 'not_able_to_get_appointment', width: 110, align: 'left', hidden:true, editable:false}, {text: 'Mode of Contact', datafield: 'Mode_Of_Contact', width: 100, cellsalign: 'left', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorcon, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorcon, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsst }, {text: 'Time Spent (Hrs)', datafield: 'hour', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', columntype: 'dropdownlist', createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) { editor.jqxDropDownList({source: ["00 Hr", "01 Hrs", "02 Hrs", "03 Hrs", "04 Hrs", "05 Hrs", "06 Hrs", "07 Hrs", "08 Hrs", "09 Hrs", "10 Hrs"]}); } }, {text: 'Time Spent (Mins)', datafield: 'minute', width: 75, cellsalign: 'left', columntype: 'dropdownlist', createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) { editor.jqxDropDownList({source: ["0 mins", "5 mins", "10 mins", " 15 mins", "20 mins", "25 mins", "30 mins", " 35 mins", "40 mins", "45 mins", " 50 mins", "55 mins"]}); } }, {text: 'Notes / Remarks', datafield: 'Notes_Remarks', width: 150, cellsalign: 'left'}, ] });
Corresponding functions.
var Results ={ initResultsEditor: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); //alert("item group "+data.itemgroup); if(data.itemgroup==undefined) { // alert("yes"); data.result_type='Value'; } if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype = 'textbox'; } else if(data.result_type === 'Select') { this.columntype = 'dropdownlist'; } }, initResultsEditorat: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype = 'dropdownlist'; } else if(data.result_type === 'Select') { this.columntype = 'dropdownlist'; // return false; } }, initResultsEditorst: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype ='dropdownlist'; } else if(data.result_type ==='Select') { this.columntype='textbox'; return false; } }, initResultsEditorldst: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype ='dropdownlist'; } else if(data.result_type ==='Select') { this.columntype ='dropdownlist'; // return false; } }, initResultsEditorldsubst: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype ='dropdownlist'; } else if(data.result_type ==='Select') { this.columntype='dropdownlist'; // return false; } }, initResultsEditorcon: function(row){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value') { this.columntype ='dropdownlist'; } else if(data.result_type ==='Select') { this.columntype='textbox'; return false; } }, resultsEditor: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var cust_grp = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', row, "custgroup"); var prod_grp = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', row, "itemgroup"); switch(data.result_type){ case 'Value': editor.jqxInput({ placeHolder: "No Leads" }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base_url + 'dailyactivity/checkduplicate_product/'+encodeURIComponent(cust_grp)+"/"+encodeURIComponent(prod_grp), data: 'prodgroup=' + encodeURIComponent(prod_grp) + '&customergroup=' + encodeURIComponent(cust_grp), dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { if (response.ok == false) { // datevalidation=false; //validateProductName.html(response.msg); //alert("This product group has been already billed for this customer") validateProductName.html(response.msg); // editor.jqxCheckBox({ checked: false, hasThreeStates:false}); $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "create_lead",0); } else { // datevalidation=true; validateProductName.html(response.msg); $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', jqxgrid_add_row_index, "create_lead",1); } } }) break; case 'Select': var list = { datatype: "json", datafields: [ {name: 'id'}, {name: 'leadid'} ], id: 'id', root: "leadid", url: base_url + "dailyactivity/getleadids/"+encodeURIComponent(cust_grp)+"/"+encodeURIComponent(prod_grp), cache: false, async: false }; listdataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(list, { autoBind: true, buildSelect: function (suboptions) { console.log(suboptions); var data = new Array(); $.each(suboptions, function (id, value) { var list = records[i]; list.id = list.id; list.leadid = list.leadid; data.push(list); }); return data; } }); editor.jqxDropDownList( { source: listdataAdapter.records, displayMember: "id",autoDropDownHeight: true, valueMember: "leadid",promptText:"No Leads",selectedIndex:1,placeHolder: 'Select Leadid',renderer: function (index, label, value) { //alert("value "+value); var hrefUrl = base_url+'leads/viewleaddetails/' + value; var option = '<div value="' + value + '"><a href="' + hrefUrl + '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a></div>'; return option; } }); break; case 'Cascaded': break; default: alert('Unbound result type.... I dont know how to handle this!!!'); break; } }, resultsEditorst: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); // var data.leadid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid =data.leadid; switch(data.result_type){ case 'Value': editor.jqxDropDownList( {source: ["Tanker", "Repacked", "Container", "Textile", "Leather", "Paper", "Exxon Speciality", "Lubricant", "Polymer", "Pure Speciality", "Others"] }); break; case 'Select': } // end of switch }, resultsEditorldst: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid =data.leadid; // alert("leadid in resultsEditorldst "+leadid); if (leadid!="") { geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldstatusfor/"+leadid; } else { geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldstatus"; } var stslist = { datatype: "json", datafields: [ {name: 'statusid'}, {name: 'statusname'} ], id: 'statusid', root: "statusid", url: geturl, cache: false, async: false }; stslistdataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(stslist, { autoBind: true, buildSelect: function (suboptions) { console.log(suboptions); var data = new Array(); $.each(suboptions, function (id, value) { var stslist = records[i]; stslist.statusid = list.statusid; stslist.statusname = stslist.statusname; data.push(stslist); }); return data; } }); editor.jqxDropDownList( { source: stslistdataAdapter.records, displayMember: "statusname",autoDropDownHeight: true, valueMember: "statusid",promptText:"Status",selectedIndex:0,placeHolder: 'Select status',renderer: function (index, label, value) { var option = '<div value="' + value + '">' + label + '</div>'; return option; } }); }, resultsEditorldsubst: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); alert(data.toSource()); var status_name = data.statusid; var leadid =data.leadid; alert("in initeditor addform substatus "+status_name); if (leadid!="") { // geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldsubstatusforlead/"+leadid; geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldsubstatusbynameid/"+status_name+"/"+leadid; } else { geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldsubstatusbyname/"+status_name; } var substslist = { datatype: "json", datafields: [ {name: 'substatusid'}, {name: 'substatusname'} ], id: 'substatusid', root: "substatusid", /*url: base_url + "dailyactivity/getldsubstatus",*/ /*url: base_url + "dailyactivity/getldsubstatusbyname/"+status_name,*/ url: geturl, cache: false, async: false }; substslistdataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(substslist, { autoBind: true, buildSelect: function (suboptions) { console.log(suboptions); var data = new Array(); $.each(suboptions, function (id, value) { var substslist = records[i]; substslist.substatusid = list.substatusid; substslist.substatusname = substslist.substatusname; data.push(substslist); }); return data; } }); editor.jqxDropDownList( { source: substslistdataAdapter.records, displayMember: "substatusname",autoDropDownHeight: true, valueMember: "substatusid",promptText:"SubStatus",selectedIndex:0,placeHolder: 'Select substatus',renderer: function (index, label, value) { var option = '<div value="' + value + '">' + label + '</div>'; return option; } }); }, resultsEditorcon: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); // var data.leadid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid =data.leadid; switch(data.result_type){ case 'Value': editor.jqxDropDownList( {source: ["E-mail", "Phone", "Visit"],autoDropDownHeight: true }); break; case 'Select': } // end of switch }, resultsEditorat: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); // var data.leadid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); switch(data.result_type){ case 'Value': editor.jqxDropDownList( {source: ["NEW CUSTOEMR", "EXSISTING CUSTOMER", "ORDER FOLLOWUP", "ORDER AND PAYMENT", "TENDER", "PAYMENT FOLLOW UP", "BALANCE SHEET", "TANKER DIVERTION", "INVOICE", "PROFORM INVOICE", "PAYMENT COLLECTION"] }); break; case 'Select': editor.jqxDropDownList({source: ["LEADS"],autoDropDownHeight: true,selectedIndex: 0}); } }, renderUnits: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties) { var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Value' && data.result !== ''){ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>No Leads</div>'); } return defaulthtml; }, renderUnitsat: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties) { var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Select' && data.result !== '') { defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>LEADS</div>'); } return defaulthtml; }, renderUnitsst: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); if(data.result_type === 'Select'){ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>'+ value +'</div>'); } return defaulthtml; }, renderUnitsldst: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); /*if(data.result_type === 'Select'){ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>'+ value +'</div>'); }*/ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>'+ value +'</div>'); return defaulthtml; }, renderUnitsldsubst: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); /* if(data.result_type === 'Select'){ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>'+ value +'</div>'); }*/ defaulthtml = defaulthtml.replace(/>.+<\/div>/ , '>'+ value +'</div>'); return defaulthtml; } };
November 4, 2015 at 2:52 pm get dropdown id instead for display name on change event of dependent dropdowns #77757Hi sureshatpure,
In cellvaluechanging you can access the values of other columns of the same row with getcellvalue, e.g.:
{ text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit: Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst, promptText: 'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function(row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { alert("oldvalue " + oldvalue); alert("newvalue " + newvalue); var uid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', row, "uid"); alert('UID: ' + uid); // alert("datafield "+datafield); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue != oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } },
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/November 5, 2015 at 4:54 am get dropdown id instead for display name on change event of dependent dropdowns #77776Hi Dimitar,
i tried adding this code..but i still get the Statusname only in the alertid Statusname
== =========
1 Prospect
2 Met the customer
3 Credit Assessment
4 Sample,Trails & Formalities
5 Enquiry/Offer/Negotiation
6 Managing And Implementation{text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit:Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst,promptText:'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { alert("oldvalue "+oldvalue); alert("newvalue "+newvalue); // alert("datafield "+datafield); var sid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', row, "statusid"); alert('statusid: ' + sid); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue!=oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } },
November 5, 2015 at 6:29 am get dropdown id instead for display name on change event of dependent dropdowns #77780Hi sureshatpure,
The behaviour you describe means that your “Status” column displays the Statusnames, not the ids. If this is so, are the ids displayed in some other column? If not, you can try the following:
var statusNames = ['Prospect', 'Met the customer', 'Credit Assessment', 'Sample,Trails & Formalities', 'Enquiry/Offer/Negotiation', 'Managing And Implementation']; ... { text: 'Status', datafield: 'statusid', width: 150, cellsalign: 'center', cellbeginedit: Results.initResultsEditorldst, initeditor: Results.resultsEditorldst, cellsrenderer: Results.renderUnitsldst, promptText: 'Select Status', cellvaluechanging: function(row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) { var oldId = statusNames.indexOf(oldvalue) + 1; var newId = statusNames.indexOf(newvalue) + 1; alert("oldvalue " + oldId); alert("newvalue " + newId); var uid = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', row, "uid"); alert('UID: ' + uid); // alert("datafield "+datafield); if (newvalue == 0) { return oldvalue; } else if (newvalue != oldvalue) { $("#jqxgrid_add").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "leadsubstatusid", "Select Substatus"); return newvalue; } } },
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/November 5, 2015 at 10:39 am get dropdown id instead for display name on change event of dependent dropdowns #77792Hi Dimitar,
Anyway will check out your code and update ( as you had said i am not storing the status id’s in any other column )Meanwhile,You can see that i use the following code to update the dropdown with Statusname along with their id’s
Which is fetched from the database using this function
geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldstatus";
which gives me the result array asstatusid statusname
======== ==========
1 Prospect
2 Met the customer
3 Credit Assessment
4 Sample,Trails & Formalities
5 Enquiry/Offer/Negotiation
6 Managing And Implementation
and i bind these values using the below code.resultsEditorldst: function(row, cellvalue, editor){ var data = $('#jqxgrid_add').jqxGrid('getrowdata', row); var leadid =data.leadid; // alert("leadid in resultsEditorldst "+leadid); if (leadid!="") { geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldstatusfor/"+leadid; } else { geturl=base_url + "dailyactivity/getldstatus"; } var stslist = { datatype: "json", datafields: [ {name: 'statusid'}, {name: 'statusname'} ], id: 'statusid', root: "statusid", url: geturl, cache: false, async: false }; stslistdataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(stslist, { autoBind: true, buildSelect: function (suboptions) { console.log(suboptions); var data = new Array(); $.each(suboptions, function (id, value) { var stslist = records[i]; <strong> stslist.statusid = list.statusid; stslist.statusname = stslist.statusname; </strong> data.push(stslist); }); return data; } }); editor.jqxDropDownList( { source: stslistdataAdapter.records, displayMember: "statusname",autoDropDownHeight: true, valueMember: "statusid",promptText:"Status",selectedIndex:0,placeHolder: 'Select status',renderer: function (index, label, value) { var option = '<div value="' + value + '">' + label + '</div>'; return option; } }); },
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