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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Filter button in Grid header not working

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  anwer.amin 7 years ago.

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  • anwer.amin

    I have an editable JQXgrid inside a bootstrap modal, it has filtering turned on using the filterable: true property and it seems to work fine on other pages where the gird is part of the main content and created on page load. But when ever I move the grid into a modal dialog or try to use a JQXdropdownbutton to show the grid the filtering button on the column header either doesn’t show or clicking it does nothing.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem??


    Hello anwer.amin,

    We will take a closer look at your case.

    Can you please tell us if any errors are throw, or if anything curious is happening?

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team


    There are no errors in the browser console (chrome or firefox), However it seems the filter menus too open but since the grid is in a dropdownbutton they open “behind the grid” and can’t be view or interacted with.

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