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Tagged: grid exportdata
This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by adam 12 years ago.
Hi Peter,
we host the save-file.php on our server and call it by
$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('exportdata', 'xls', 'jqxGrid', 'http://localhost/save-file.php');
But save-file.php is never called, but always
$('#chart').jqxChart('saveAsPNG', 'MyChart.png','http://localhost/export.php');
with the chart component is working.
What are we doing wrong here ?
Best Regards
Karlheinz RafalskiHi Karlheinz,
You are doing it correctly. It is a known issue in this version. It will be supported in a future update.
Best Regards,
Peter SToevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comHi Peter,
v2.5 still calling http://www.jqwidgets.com/export_server/save-file.php .
Best Regards,
CarloHi Karlheinz,
Please, see the Grid API about that method.
Here’s what the documentation says:
The first parameter of the export method determines the export’s type – ‘xls’, ‘xml’, ‘html’, ‘json’, ‘tsv’ or ‘csv’.
The second parameter is the file’s name.
The third parameter is optional and determines whether to export the column’s header or not. Acceptable values are – true and false. By default, the exporter exports the columns header.
The fourth parameter is optional and determines the array of rows to be exported. By default all rows are exported. Set null, if you want all rows to be exported.
The last parameter is optional and determines the url of the export server. By default, the exporter is hosted on the jQWidgets website.
Code exampleInvoke the export method.
$(“#jqxgrid”).jqxGrid(‘exportdata’, ‘json’, ‘jqxGrid’);
Best Regards,
Peter SToevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comHi Peter,
missed the API change. But exportdata is still calling jqwidgets. Here is my code:
var url = "http://localhost/save-file.php";alert("Export Start url:" + url); $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('exportdata', 'xls', 'test', true, null, url);
Where are the php files in the v2.5 source code ?Best Regards,
KarlheinzThank you for the feedback.
– We will test the reported issue and if we reproduce it, we will resolve it in ver. 5.1!
– Download the package from our website again. We may had an issue with a corrupted .zip archive. I don’t know, but I just tried it and the files are there. Sorry about the inconvenience!Best Regards,
Peter SToevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comHi Peter,
I downloaded v2.5 source again and the php files are there.
Best Regards,
KarlheinzHi Peter,
is there any news about exportdata always calling jqwidgets ? Our customers are waiting for the export feature.
Best Regards,
KarlheinzHi Karlheinz,
Version 2.5.1 is planned for the second half of November and it should include a fix for that.
Best Regards,
Peter StoevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comHi Peter,
is it possible to get a patch for that bug before your next official release ? I think its only one file involved.
Best Regards,
KarlheinzHi Peter,
I am still waiting for the ‘exportdata always calling jqwidgets’ bugfix. My bugreport was on September 27, thats nearly 2 month ago.
Best Regards,
KarlheinzHi Karlheinz,
We have not still released a new version. Information about new versions is available here: releasehistory.htm. The release is postponed due to the Q & A process and will be available on 28-November . In addition, you are able to export the Grid data to a local variable like:
var data = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('exportdata', 'json');
Then, you can send that data to your own server.
Best Regards,
Peter StoevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comHas this issue been resolved in version 2.6.0. Reason is I ask is that I am still unclear how I can call using my own server
$("#exportButton").click(function () { var exportType = jQuery("#export_dropdown_list").jqxDropDownList('getSelectedItem').value ; $("#envision_report").jqxGrid('exportdata', exportType, 'treatment_report', true, null, false, "http://local-server/save-file.php"); });
Do I have this syntax right?
Hi adam,
The issue is resolved. The current version is jQWidgets 2.7. To export to your own server, please take a look at the documentation about the “exportdata” method and where the URL is expected as parameter.
Best Regards,
Peter StoevjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comSo, to be clear, this was known to not work in 2.6.0? Also, as you can see from my code I included the url as the last parameter as described in the documentation. I think this is right, but I haven’t seen this work yet.
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