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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Export to excel issue for horizontal scroll grid

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Abhishek Adekar 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Abhishek Adekar


    1. below is my jqxgrid screenshot. if i export this it will work fine.

    screenshot no.1
    View without horizontal scroll moved.

    2. below is same jqxgrid screenshot with horizontal scroll moved to complete right side, and if i export this to excel the non visible columns of grid are highlighting in white color (see screenshot no.3 below).

    screenshot no.2
    View with horizontal scroll moved to right.

    screenshot no.3
    Excel screenshot


    Hi Abhishek Adekar,

    Could you provide the following:

    1. Web Browser type and version.
    2. jQWidgets version
    3. Reproduce steps


    jQWidgets team

    Abhishek Adekar

    1. Web Browser type and version

    Google Chrome
    Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    2. jQWidgets version

    jQWidgets v4.1.0


    Sample data used: [{“closeDate”:”01-Jan-2020″,”noticeDueDate”:”Aug 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM”,”distributionAmount”:1250,”investorName”:”Test Investor1″,”className”:”Test Standalone Class2″,”recallableReturnOfCapital”:3224234,”effectiveMonth”:”Jan-2020″},{“closeDate”:”01-Jan-2020″,”noticeDueDate”:”Aug 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM”,”distributionAmount”:416.66,”investorName”:”Test Investor1″,”className”:”Test Standalone Class1″,”effectiveMonth”:”Jan-2020″},{“closeDate”:”01-Jan-2020″,”noticeDueDate”:”Aug 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM”,”distributionAmount”:833.33,”investorName”:”Test Entity1″,”className”:”Test Standalone Class1″,”effectiveMonth”:”Jan-2020″}]

    Jqxgrid code :

    var data = JSON.parse($(“#distributionViewJson”).val());
    var source =
    datatype: “json”,
    localdata: data,
    datafields: [
    { name: ‘investorName’ , type: ‘string’},
    { name: ‘closeDate’ , type: ‘string’},
    { name: ‘className’ , type: ‘String’},
    { name: ‘effectiveMonth’ , type: ‘string’},
    { name: ‘distributionAmount’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘returnOfCapital’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘recallableReturnOfCapital’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘preferredReturn’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘recallablePreferredReturn’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘profitAboveHurdle’ , type: ‘number’},
    { name: ‘profitAboveHurdleRecallable’ , type: ‘number’}


    // load virtual data.
    var rendergridrows = function (params) {
    var data = generatedata(params.startindex, params.endindex);
    return data;

    var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);

    // Create jqxGrid
    width: ‘100%’,
    source: dataAdapter,
    sortable: true,
    pageable: true,
    height: ‘300px’,
    groupable: true,
    columnsresize: false,
    showfilterrow: true,
    filterable: true,
    columns: [

    { text: ‘Investor Name’ , datafield: ‘investorName’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’},
    { text: ‘Close Date’ , datafield: ‘closeDate’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘10%’, align: ‘center’},
    { text: ‘Class Name’ , datafield: ‘className’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’},
    { text: ‘Effective Month’ , datafield: ‘effectiveMonth’ , filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘10%’, align: ‘center’},
    { text: ‘Distribution Amount’ , datafield: ‘distributionAmount’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Return Of Capital’ , datafield: ‘returnOfCapital’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘10%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Recallable Return Of Capital’ , datafield: ‘recallableReturnOfCapital’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Preferred Return’ , datafield: ‘preferredReturn’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘10%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Recallable Preferred Return’ , datafield: ‘recallablePreferredReturn’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Profit Above Hurdle’ , datafield: ‘profitAboveHurdle’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘10%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,},
    { text: ‘Recallable Profit Above Hurdle’ , datafield: ‘profitAboveHurdleRecallable’, filtertype: ‘input’, width: ‘20%’, align: ‘center’, cellsformat : cellsFormat, cellsalign: ‘right’,}

    Export button div :

    <button type=”button” id=”excelExportId” onclick=”exportToExcel(‘distributionViewJqxGrid’, ‘Distribution Details’)” class=”btn btn-sm grey-gallery”>
    <i class=”fa fa-file-excel-o”></i>  Export

    JS function :

    function exportViewToExcel(){
    $(“#distributionViewJqxGrid”).jqxGrid(‘exportdata’, ‘xls’, ‘Distribution Details’);


    Hi Abhishek Adekar,

    This issue is already resolved in a later version of jQWidgets. For example, the current version works correctly. If possible, please upgrade to the current release.


    jQWidgets team

    Abhishek Adekar

    Thank you for rply.

    does updating to newer version will make any issue for existing code of jqx?

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