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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Export to excel causing beforeunload and cancelation of json request

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 10 years ago.

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  • fdski

    Hi guys,

    Two questions.

    Using function $(gridname).jqxGrid(‘exportdata’, ‘xls’, ‘jqxGrid’);
    – it exports raw data – if there is a cell renderer its value is ignored. Any way to get around that so that values in excel will be those rendered rather then oryginal ?
    – using this function causes “beforeunload” event to be triggered on the window. I have a listener on it to warn users that they are about to exit an application (user req). Exporting to excel doesn’t cause application to exit but still triggers that event. Is that a proper behaviour and how could I get around it ?

    and lastely – users want a “cancel” button on the notificaton window shown during jsondata loading. Yes, i know it’s barely visable and usually doesn’t stay up for more then fraction of the second but they wrote it into the requirements and are fixated on this subject. Any ideas ?

    Thanks guys,


    Peter Stoev

    Hi fdski,

    1. It exports cell values. It does not export custom html displayed in cellsrenderer because in cellsrenderer you return HTML String which could be anything.
    2. The export function makes a Form submit with your Grid data and that’s all it does.
    3. Not possible to cancel data loading while it’s loading. May be you should prompt your user whether to load or not data because setting the Grid’s source.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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