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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Example Fail – jqxGrid Virtual Scrolling with PHP and MySQL


This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hop 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hop

    I am excited about this code because it promises to do exactly what I want to do for my home budget on my home server.

    Unfortunately, after following the directions to the letter, including the northwind import into my MYSQL, all I get is a blank screen. I fixed that though, editing the paths and changing the version of jquery-1.7.2.min.js to jquery-2.0.2.min.js but now all I have is a grid with no data to display. And, I am out of options because my apache2 error log isn’t showing any errors. HELP!

    It is probably a version issue, and I can test that if I can find version 1.7.2 of jquery. I looked and failed, but I’ll go after that and see.

    My goal (as briefly as I can explain) is to click on a day in the calendar widget and have the transactions from that day populate the grid. I have been successful having the MYSQL query populate a panel and now trying to do the next step.

    I’m sure many have said it, but jQWidgets is awesome and opens up a wealth of opportunities for writing web-based interfaces on my home server. I will never be able to afford a license for commercial use, but this offering sure helps me for home use, and a fantastic learning tool! Thank you!!!


    I found jquery-1.7.2.min.js and downloaded it. Changed the code to reference it, and I get the same results as when I used 2.0.2. I see the grid with “no data to display”.

    I wanted to include this to help with any answers I can get. Thank you so much for your time!


    I haven’t figured out how to edit my post here, so I have to reply to myself. Anyone that is offended by that, I wanted you to know why.

    If someone can help me to put some debug points in the code, like prints, I would appreciate it. I realized that I had error reporting set to off in my PHP.INI so I fixed that. Then I went to print a variable to the page using document.print but then when everything crashed, I realized I was doing that from the document’s header. I wanted to output the source.totalrecords to the document so I could see what my PHP data.php file was sending back.

    I guess I could output what data.php is sending to a panel and look at it. I will have to extensively change the index.php code to accomidate. But I do not know what the protocol is for what the grid needs for a data source so I’m not sure what help that would be.

    Anyway, that’s where I am with this broken solution for me. I’m sure it works. I’m just stumped at where to start debugging the processes.

    Again, thank you for your time. I’ll leave this here as bait on a hook, looking for a fish, until tomorrow. Until then…

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Hop,

    I am not sure whether you use jQWidgets 3.0.2 or not, but most probably you do not, because the “bind_grid_to_mysql_database_virtual_scrolling/” and “server_side_grid_filtering_and_virtualscrolling” demos in the phpdemos folder of the download package work with jQuery 1.10.2. I also tested these and they open OK. Of course, the Northwind database should be available on your side and also the DB Login in the connect.php should use your username and password for accessing the DB.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank you Peter for your reply.
    I was actually using 2.9.3. I updated to 3.0.2, unpacked the whole archive to a new subfolder on my LAMP server, and tried the demo from its folder and got the same result. I only had to modify connect.php to include a password, using my existing connect.php as a guide to make sure it the variable data was the same except the change of database. My existing connect.php works as I have tested it successfully already.

    So since it worked fine for you, and I tried the demo out of the box and failed, I have to wonder if it is something in the configuration of my Debian LAMP. I have a couple other Linux LAMP servers running, one that is on a RPi (Raspberry Pi), so I will give them a shot and see.

    Anything you can think of about my LAMP (Apache, PHP, or MySQL) configurations that would cause this to fail would be greatly appreciated. Even anything I can do to debug parts of the process so I can eliminate stages of the whole process.

    Thank you sir for your time and effort!

    EDIT: I forgot to include that I did download the northwind database and successfully imported it into my MySQL.


    Another reply to myself, I’m sorry.
    I tried two other examples. bind_listbox_to_mysql_database and bind_grid_to_mysql_database and they work fine. Only the scrolling example bind_grid_to_mysql_database_virtual_scrolling failed me.

    If that helps.

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Hop,

    Sorry, but I cannot verify the information posted here. Both the Virtual Scrolling and Virtual Scrolling with filtering samples work according to us. Make sure that a firewall does not prevent access to the online jqxgrid.js file as it is referenced in these demos.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank you Peter, and I am a little confused. Online jqxgrid.js file meaning the one that resides on my server? Interesting point you made. If I try to do the example on the server itself and not from a remote machine, I am fortunate to have GUI setup on the server so I can try it.

    As far as firewall concerns… like a particular port or protocol? Wouldn’t this present a problem for any client from remote that hasn’t explored an extravagant modification to their firewall? I haven’t seen anything here about that.

    Finally, what with a firewall would keep the virtual example from populating the grid initially where the firewall would not be a factor with the other grid examples I was able to get to work?

    Again Peter, thank you for your time!

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Hop,

    I meant that the sample refers to online file hosted on our server instead of using the one from the jqwidgets folder on your server. If you have a firewall which prevents access to that file, the sample will not run. Hope my last post is clear now.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    OK thank you. I don’t know why the bind_grid_to_mysql_database_virtual_scrolling example goes to your server for jqxgrid.js and locally for the other two (bind_listbox_to_mysql_database and bind_grid_to_mysql_database) that work for me, but I changed it to go local like the other two that work, and I STILL get no data to display.

    I give up. It’s a great idea, but your software offers too many other options and goodies for me to get hung up on this one example. Thank you sir for giving it a shot for success for me. I appreciate it.

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