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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid everpresentrow and pinned column

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • everpresentrow and pinned column #72050


    I am using jqxGrid with the following parameters:

    1. showeverpresentrow: true

    2. everpresentrowposition: top

    3. everpresentrowactionsmode: “columns”

    4. pinned: true

    …then I am creating an “createEverPresentRowWidget”, which happens to be a jqxButton.

    Here’s the issue: When scrolling left-to-right, the EverPresentRowWidget (jqxbutton) does NOT remain with the pinned column. It scrolls to the left or right…thereby creating a disconnect between the pinned column and the everpresentrowwidget.

    Please let me know what can be done to prevent this scrolling behavior (if anything). I need the “everpresentrowwidget” to STAY with the pinned column and not scroll.


    everpresentrow and pinned column #72062


    Hello dork,

    Could you, please, create a JS Editor or JSFiddle example reproducing the issue and share it with us?

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    everpresentrow and pinned column #72099


    Certainly. Here’s the JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2mxxrLvb/2/

    As you can see by scrolling left to right in the grid, the widget doesn’t stay pinned, as one would expect.

    Appreciate the help.

    everpresentrow and pinned column #72111

    Peter Stoev

    Hi dork,

    We are aware of that. There is no workaround.

    Peter Stoev

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