I copied the part of the code
In the http://www.jqwidgets.com/angular2/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxdatetimeinput.ts (129) there is written:
setTimeout(() => {
options.value !== undefined ? this.host.jqxDateTimeInput('val', options.value) : this.host.jqxDateTimeInput('val', new Date());
, 1);
In the http://www.jqwidgets.com/angular2/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxdatetimeinput.ts!transpiled (100) there is written:
setTimeout(function () {
options.value !== undefined ? _this.host.jqxDateTimeInput('val', options.value) : _this.host.jqxDateTimeInput('val', new Date());
}, 1);
The Problem is the curly brace before the “, 1”. Either the code is not transpiled from the ts or the tool ist so smart to repair such mistakes by its own.