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jQuery UI Widgets Forums General Discussions Documentation Issues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  spekary 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Documentation Issues #18102


    On version 2.8:

    jqxradiobutton doc file has two dots before the htm extension
    jqxdata.js file is in the documentation directory
    combobox source should state it can be both an array or function

    In general, it appears the API doc files are generated by hand. Some files use one table, some files use multiple tables. Some files include a parameter description for the methods, but most do not.

    The reason this is important to me…I am working on integrating jqwidgets with an open-source php framework (www.github.com/qcubed). We are using an html scraper and template system to automate the creation of our interface with your library. Little problems in the api documentation can cause big headaches, so if there was a way you could standardize the html format of your documentation, that would be great. Even better would be to auto-generate it from your source, but I know that is asking a lot.

    Also, one thing that would really help in general is a formal description of what each parameter can be for the Methods. You give examples, but do not actually state that a particular parameter should be an integer, or a string. Also, if there are many ways an option could be formatted, please state that. For example, on jqxInput, you appear to be able to accept both an array of strings, and an array of objects. The objects appear to require a “label” item, and if the object has a “value” item, that is what gets inserted into the field instead of the label. I don’t see a description of that behavior in your docs, and would appreciate better description of how “label”, “value”, “id” etc are treated by default when providing an array of objects into source.

    For the combobox, can you describe “search” and “source” better. I think you can set source to a function as well, so I don’t quite see the need for a search function. Your example shows that search is doing a databind on a databinder, but if I set source to a databinder, then I don’t need to explicitly call the databind method. Or do I? Its confusing, and a more thorough description of what you intended there would help.

    Documentation Issues #18104

    Peter Stoev

    Hi spekary,

    jQWidgets is a commercial project and I think that you have a licensing issue by integrating it with Open Source project. I suggest you to contact sales@jqwidgets.com and read the EULA.

    We will keep improving our Software and Documentation in the future. Btw. jqxdata.js is not in the documentation folder at least in the download package available from our website.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Documentation Issues #18282


    Regarding EULA, nothing is posted yet at QCubed, so there is no current violation. Your Web site says:

    You are allowed to distribute jQWidgets with non-commercial packages given that you fulfill two conditions:

    Emphasize to your users that jQWidgets is not free for commercial use. You can do this on your download page or when your users activate jQWidgets in your application.
    Provide a link back to this web page in the same location.

    Which is exactly what we intend to do. If you would prefer that we not post a current version of jqwidgets, then we will simply refer people to your website, and we will only provide an interface to your code. The intention is not to compete, but rather complement both products.

    Regarding jqxdata.js, I just downloaded from the non-commercial link, and jqxdata.js is in the documentation folder. Also, its NOT the minified version. To prove it, here is a snippet I cut from it, which includes your original variable names and which I wouldn’t be able to get from the minified version.

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