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Tagged: accented words, cascading, combobox, displayMember, jqxComboBox, localization
This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by fvalbores 11 years, 9 months ago.
Using the demo “Cascadingcombobox.htm”, I found that DisplayMember must not contain accented words to be displayed.
This is a problem for combo items containing words in Spanish. Is there any solution?
I have not tried other widgets, but the problem could be the same.
It is possible to select the language for all widgets?Hello fvalbores,
All widgets support different languages and alphabets. Some of them may even be specifically localized, such as jqxGrid, jqxCalendar et al.
We have tried to reproduce the reported issue by using words with the characters Á and Ó in a combobox, but everything works fine. If this was not what you actually meant, please share more information on the matter.
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
It is simple. Using the jqwidgets2/demos/php/cascadingcombobox.htm, just change in customers table the CompanyName Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados to Aná Trujillo Emparedados y helados ( a to á).Run the demo and you will see that such record is not displayed. If return to the original value (Ana) the list is displayed correctly. The same occurs changing Antonio to Antoñio or o to ö and any accented char.
I will appreciate a lot any help. Best regards
In addition…..changing Aná instead Ana in the customers table (northwind)
Using jqwidgets2/demos/php/listbox.htm “null” is displayed;
using jqwidgets2/demos/php/dropdownlist.htm an empty line is displayed;
using jqwidgets2/demos/php/combobox.htm an empty line is displayed;However, this not occurs with other widgets.
changing Afghanistan to Afghanistán and running
jqwidgets2/demos/php/checkedlistbox_form.htm, or
jqwidgets2/demos/php/billing_form.htm Afghanistán is displayedHi fvalbores,
The combobox returns the value from the database query. If there is no such data on the server, the widget does not return anything. This may be the cause for your issue.
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Dear Dimitar,
Sorry not to be clear and I will explain you in other words.
Record information is displayed if NOT CONTAIN accented words. But if it contains a accented word, a blank line is displayed instead. Moreover, the white line can be selected, but TEXT is misplaced.
All other records (without accent) are displayed very well.
You can observe the problem just change a record accentuating a word and this is no longer displayed, if you returns it to the original value (no accent) the record will be displayed again.
The problem is not whether there is information in the registry, but JQWidgets does not display the accented word.
I will appreciate a lot any help. Best regards
Hi fvalbores,
The Events demo contains many records with accented characters (such as Café Bombón). It works perfectly fine.
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Yes, in several demos and widgets this is not problem, as mentioned before.
“This not occurs with other widgets.
changing Afghanistan to Afghanistán and running:
jqwidgets2/demos/php/checkedlistbox_form.htm, or
jqwidgets2/demos/php/billing_form.htm Afghanistán is displayed”The problem, apparently, is in json_encode because when I used it, words containing accented characters are not displayed.
I am programming in PHP and I have to use:
$arr = array(“á”=>”a”, “é”=>”e”, “í”=>”i”, “ó″=>”o”,”ú”=>”u”);
$non_accent = strtr($accented, $arr)to get values that json_encode can manipulate and be displayed for jqxGrid or Cascadingcombobox.htm, for example.
But this solution is partial because orthographic error is introduced.I appreciate a lot your attentions. Best regards
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