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jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Grid › Destroyeditor doesn't work properly
Tagged: angular grid, custom, destroy editor, destroyeditor, destroyeditor not called, grid, jquery grid, jqxgrid, template
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Dimitar 8 years, 8 months ago.
I’ve found that ‘destroyeditor’ method is never called if we use custom editor for the grid.
The problem area in the source code is bellow:_destroyeditors: function() { var b = this; if (!this.columns.records) { return } a.each(this.columns.records, function(f, j) { var c = a.trim(this.datafield).split(" ").join(""); switch (this.columntype) { case "dropdownlist": var g = b.editors["dropdownlist_" + c]; if (g) { g.jqxDropDownList("destroy"); b.editors["dropdownlist_" + c] = null } break; case "combobox": var k = b.editors["combobox_" + c]; if (k) { k.jqxComboBox("destroy"); b.editors["combobox_" + c] = null } break; case "datetimeinput": var d = b.editors["datetimeinput_" + this.datafield]; if (d) { d.jqxDateTimeInput("destroy"); b.editors["datetimeinput_" + c] = null } break; case "numberinput": var e = b.editors["numberinput_" + c]; if (e) { e.jqxNumberInput("destroy"); b.editors["numberinput_" + c] = null } break; case "custom": case "template": if (b.destroyeditor) { if (b.editors["templateeditor_" + c]) { b.destroyeditor(b.editors["templateeditor_" + c]); b.editors["templateeditor_" + c] = null } } if (b.destroyeditor) { var m = b.getrows.length(); for (var l = 0; l < m; l++) { if (b.editors["customeditor_" + c + "_" + l]) { b.destroyeditor(b.editors["customeditor_" + c + "_" + l], l); b.editors["customeditor_" + c + "_" + l] = null } } } break; case "textbox": default: var h = b.editors["textboxeditor_" + c]; if (h) { b.removeHandler(h, "keydown"); b.editors["textbox_" + c] = null } break } }); b.editors = new Array() }
As you can see ‘destroyeditor’ function called only if ‘b.destroyeditor’ is truthy for the ‘custom’ and ‘template’ columntype. But in this case variable ‘b’ is the reference to the grid instance. I think you should call ‘j.destroyeditor’ instead ‘b.destroyeditor’ due to ‘j’ is the reference to the column config.
The bug reproduced in jQWidgets v4.1.2
Hello maksim_tolo,
Thank you for your feedback. We confirm this issue and have created a work item about it. Please, however, abstain from posting unminified parts of the jQWidgets source code publicly, as this violates the jQWidgets end-user license agreement.
Best Regards,
DimitarjQWidgets team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/ -
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