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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Hristo 7 years, 10 months ago.
I’ve added some custom fields to the dialog, but sometimes they’re not shown when the dialog is opend.
After reloading the whole page, it’s working most of times, sometimes I have to reload the page more times.
There is no error in console, and unfortunatly I’m not able to reproduce it.Can you give me any hint how to find the problem?
If you need code, let me know!Thanks in advance!
ChrisHello Chris,
This is strange behavior.
You should create all the new things in theeditDialogCreate
Do you add new appointments after initialization and how?Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
I’m loading data with json and dataadapter from mysql.
Afterwards I’m doing nothing, just opening dialog for new event.
All my custom fields are created in the editDialogCreate function:editDialogCreate: function (dialog, fields, editAppointment, event) {
// hide repeat option
// hide status option
// hide timeZone option
// hide color option
fields.subjectContainer.hide();patientContainer = “<div>”;
patientContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-label’>Paciente</div>”;
patientContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-field’><table width=’100%’border=’0′ cellspacing=’0′ cellpadding=’0′ ><tr><td width=’90%’><div id=’patient1′></div></td><td width=’10%’ align=’right’><button id=’btn_add_kontakt’></button></td></tr></table> </div>”;
patientContainer += “</div>”;
fields.resourceContainer.prepend(patientContainer);behandlungContainer = “<div>”;
behandlungContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-label’>Tratamiento</div>”;
behandlungContainer += “<div class=’jqx-scheduler-edit-dialog-field’><div id=’behandlung1′></div></div>”;
behandlungContainer += “</div>”;
fields.resourceContainer.append(behandlungContainer);printButton = $(“<button id=’btn_print’ style=’margin-left: 5px; float:right; height:25px;’>Imprimir</button>”);
printButton.jqxButton({ theme: ‘orange’, template: ‘primary’ });
printButton.click(function () {
print_cita($(“#patnam_hide”).val(),fields.from.val(),fields.to.val(), $(“#behandlung_hide”).val(), false);
});bestButton = $(“<button id=’btn_best’ style=’margin-left: 5px; float:right; height:25px;’>Confirmación</button>”);
fields.buttons.append(bestButton);bestButton.jqxButton({ theme: ‘orange’, template: ‘warning’ });
bestButton.click(function () {
print_best($(“#patid_hide”).val(), fields.from.val(), fields.to.val());
});fields.cancelButton.jqxButton({template: ‘inverse’});
fields.deleteButton.jqxButton({template: ‘danger’});
fields.saveButton.jqxButton({template: ‘success’});$(“#behandlung1”).jqxDropDownList({
SelectedIndex: -1,
source: dataAdapter_farbe,
displayMember: “behandlung_name”,
valueMember: “behandlung_id”,
width: ‘100%’,
height: 25,
placeHolder: ‘Selecionar tratamiento…’
});$(‘#behandlung1’).on(‘select’, function (event) {
placeHolder: ‘Seleccionar paciente…’,
width: ‘100%’,
height: 25,
source: dataAdapter_test,
selectedIndex: -1,
displayMember: “name”,
valueMember: “int_id”,
search: function (searchString) {
});$(“#patient1”).on(‘select’, function (event) {
imgWidth: 18,
imgHeight: 18,
height: ’25px’,
width: ’25px’,
roundedCorners: ‘all’,
imgPosition: “center”,
textPosition: “left”,
imgSrc: “images/icons/add.png”,
textImageRelation: “imageBeforeText”
});$(“#btn_add_kontakt”).on(‘click’, function () {
},New events are added inside here
$(“#scheduler”).on(‘appointmentAdd’, function (event) {
});Hello Chris,
I try your settings (with alternative source different from yours) in our demo and it seems to work fine.
Could you clarify the issue?
Also, you could add some pictures.Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
Pictures aren’t a problem:
Exactly my custom fields are missing on the 2nd pic.
Here is the whole code, maybe I have an error somewhere else?
I just can’t understand, that it’s not working sometimes
CodeThe includes for de JS files are missing here, this happens earlier…
Thank you!
Hello Chris,
You should show the used container
. I change this in the “editDialogCreate” and it seems to work fine.Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
well, seems to work now!
Just one more question – maybe there is another error somewhere in my code (what surely can be optimized
If my first action in the sheduler is to edit an appointment, the title of the editDialog is also edit for a new event.
If my first action is a new event, also while editing an appointment the title is new event.Thanks!
Hello Chris,
Could you clarify it?
You want to understand when someone changes the title of the edited appointment.
In this case, you could try to bind an event handler to the relevant field.
Please, take a look at this example:fields.subject[0].addEventListener('keypress', function (event) { //Do something });
(in the editDialogCreate)
Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
Maybe I was not clear enough:
I load the scheduler with some events. Then I edit an existing appointment, and get the following (what’s good of course!):
Next I want to create a new appoinment, then it loos like this:
Hello Chris,
I got it. Thank you for the feedback.
Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
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