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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Colspans


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nikolay 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Colspans Posts
  • Colspans #29681



    We are looking for js grid library for our project. Actually it will be a mixture of grid and spreadsheet.
    One of the crucial criteria is grid’s support of colspans. We should have ability to merge cells within one row, for example to make subheaders in a grid with heterogenous data.
    As I can see there is no API for it in jqxGrid. Also it is my understanding that grd’s DOM is built on div’s, not tables, so I can’t play with td’s display and width styles to meet our requirements.

    Please tell me if there is workaround,
    Thank you

    Colspans #29682

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Nikolay,

    We do have support for Column Hierarchies(see the columns>columns hierarchies demo). However, we do not support cells merge and there is unfortunately no workaround that we can suggest you.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Colspans #30416


    I found that with “Groups Renderer” I can do all required things. Thank you.

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