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jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Angular › clicks to get to the dropdown in combobox in grid
This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Todor 5 years, 8 months ago.
How do I limit the clicks from 3 to 1 to get to the category combobox column in the nested grid code below. Thank you in advance.
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment'; import { jqxGridComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxgrid'; import { jqxButtonComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxbuttons'; import { jqxComboBoxComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxcombobox'; import { Source } from 'webpack-sources'; @Component({ selector: 'app-transactions', templateUrl: './transactions.component.html', styleUrls: ['./transactions.component.css'] }) export class TransactionsComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('myGrid') myGrid: jqxGridComponent; @ViewChild('myButton') myButton: jqxButtonComponent; @ViewChild('myCombo') myCombo: jqxComboBoxComponent; @ViewChild('eventLog') eventLog: ElementRef; catSource: any = { datatype: 'json', datafields: [ { name: 'categoryId', type: 'int'}, { name: 'categoryDescription', type: 'string'} ], id:"categoryId", url: environment.server + environment.apiUrl + 'category' }; source: any = { datatype: 'json', datafields: [ //{ name: 'transactionId', type: 'int' }, { name: 'merchant', type: 'string' }, { name: 'transactionDate', type: 'date' }, { name: 'transactionAmount', type: 'float' }, { name: 'merchantCategory', type: 'string' } ], id:"transactionId", url: environment.server + environment.apiUrl + 'fc' }; distSource: any = { datatype: 'json', datafields: [ //{ name: 'transactionId', type: 'int' }, { name: 'unit', type: 'string' }, { name: 'categoryDescription', type: 'string', value: {source: this.catSource, value: 'categoryId', name:'categoryDescription'} }, { name: 'distributionAmount', type: 'float' }, { name: 'categoryId', type: 'int' } ], id:"transactionId", url: environment.server + environment.apiUrl + 'distribution' }; getWidth() : any { if (document.body.offsetWidth < 850) { return '90%'; } return 850; } dataAdapter: any = new jqx.dataAdapter(this.source, { formatData: (data: any): any => { data.featureClass = 'P'; data.style = 'full'; data.maxRows = 50; data.username = 'jqwidgets'; return data; } } ); distDataAdapter: any = new jqx.dataAdapter(this.distSource,{autoBind:true}, { formatData: (data: any): any => { data.featureClass = 'P'; data.style = 'full'; data.maxRows = 50; data.username = 'jqwidgets'; return data; } } ); catDataAdapter: any = new jqx.dataAdapter(this.catSource, {autoBind:true}, { formatData: (data: any): any => { data.featureClass = 'P'; data.style = 'full'; data.maxRows = 50; data.username = 'jqwidgets'; return data; } } ); //catDataAdapter: any = new jqx.dataAdapter(this.catSource,{autoBind:true}, // { // formatData: (data: any): any => { // data.featureClass = 'P'; // data.style = 'full'; // data.maxRows = 50; // data.username = 'jqwidgets'; // return data; // } // } //); nestedGrids: any[] = new Array(); // create nested grid. initRowDetails = (index: number, parentElement: any, gridElement: any, record: any): void => { let id = record.uid.toString(); let nestedGridContainer = parentElement.children[0]; this.nestedGrids[index] = nestedGridContainer; let filtergroup = new jqx.filter(); let filter_or_operator = 1; let filtervalue = id; let filtercondition = 'equal'; let filter = filtergroup.createfilter('stringfilter', filtervalue, filtercondition); // fill the orders depending on the id. let dist = this.distDataAdapter.records; let distbyid = []; for (let i = 0; i < dist.length; i++) { let result = filter.evaluate(dist[i]['uid']); if (result) distbyid.push(dist[i]); } let distSource = { datafields: [ //{ name: 'transactionId', type: 'int' }, { name: 'unit', type: 'string' }, { name: 'categoryDescription', type: 'string', value:"categoryId" , values: { source:this.catDataAdapter.records, value: 'categoryId', name: 'categoryDescription'}}, { name: 'distributionAmount', type: 'float' }, { name: 'categoryId', type: 'int' } ], id: 'transactionId', localdata: distbyid } let nestedGridAdapter = new jqx.dataAdapter(distSource); if (nestedGridContainer != null) { let settings = { width: '100%', height: '100%', editable:true, //showfilterrow: true, //filterable: true, selectionmode: 'multiplecellsextended', //selectionmode: 'singlecell', //autowidth: true, //height: 200, columnsresize: true, theme: 'energyblue', source: nestedGridAdapter, columns: [ //{ text: 'Unit', datafield: 'unit', width: '50%'}, { text: 'Unit', datafield: 'unit', width: '33%'}, { text: 'Category', datafield: 'categoryDescription', columntype:'combobox', createeditor: (row: number, value: any, editor: any): void => { editor.jqxComboBox( { source: this.catDataAdapter, displayMember: 'categoryDescription', valueMember: 'categoryId'});}}, { text: 'Amount', datafield: 'distributionAmount', width: '34%'} ] }; console.log("SETTINGS",settings); console.log("MYCOMBO", this.myCombo) //jqwidgets.createInstance(<code>#${nestedGridContainer.id}</code>, 'jqxGrid', settings); jqwidgets.createInstance(<code>#${nestedGridContainer.id}</code>, 'jqxGrid', settings); } } renderer = (row: number, column: any, value: string): string => { return '<span style="margin-left: 4px; margin-top: 9px; float: left;">' + value + '</span>'; } rowdetailstemplate: any = { rowdetails: '<div id="nestedGrid" style="margin: 10px;"></div>', rowdetailsheight: 220, rowdetailshidden: true }; ready = (): void => { this.myGrid.showrowdetails(0); }; columns: any[] = [ { text: 'Merchant', datafield: 'merchant', width: '25%'}, { text: 'Amount', datafield: 'transactionAmount', width: '25%' }, { text: 'Date', datafield: 'transactionDate', cellsformat: 'f', width: '25%' }, { text: 'Category', datafield: 'merchantCategory', minwidth: '25%'} ]; onButtonClick(event) { let rows = this.myGrid.getrows(); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let data = this.myGrid.getrowdata(i); //if (data.) { this.myGrid.showrowdetails(i) console.log("MYCOMBO", this.myCombo) //} } }; //myGridOnCellSelect(event: any): void { // let column = this.myGrid.getcolumn(event.args.datafield); // let value = this.myGrid.getcellvalue(event.args.rowindex, column.datafield); // let displayValue = this.myGrid.getcellvalue(event.args.rowindex, column.displayfield); // this.eventLog.nativeElement.innerHTML = '<div>Selected Cell<br/>Row: ' + event.args.rowindex + ', Column: ' + column.text + ', Value: ' + value + ', Label: ' + displayValue + '</div>'; //}; //myGridOnCellEndEdit(event: any): void { // let column = this.myGrid.getcolumn(event.args.datafield); // let container = this.eventLog.nativeElement; // if (column.displayfield != column.datafield) { // container.innerHTML = '<div>Cell Edited:<br/>Index: ' + event.args.rowindex + ', Column: ' + column.text + '<br/>Value: ' + event.args.value.value + ', Label: ' + event.args.value.label // + '<br/>Old Value: ' + event.args.oldvalue.value + ', Old Label: ' + event.args.oldvalue.label + '</div>'; // } // else { // container.innerHTML = '<div>Cell Edited:<br/>Row: ' + event.args.rowindex + ', Column: ' + column.text + '<br/>Value: ' + event.args.value // + '<br/>Old Value: ' + event.args.oldvalue + '</div>'; // } //} constructor() { } ngOnInit() { //this.myCombo.selectIndex(4); } }
Hello Scott,
Please review the following example whether it fits your needs.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Best Regards,
TodorjQWidgets Team
https://www.jqwidgets.comGot it working. One other question the dropdown works fine but when I click on another column the value in the combobox reverts back to valueMember: ‘categoryId’ instead of the discription. Thanks
Hello Scott,
Please find the updated example.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Best Regards,
TodorjQWidgets Team
https://www.jqwidgets.com -
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