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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by admin 4 years, 7 months ago.
AuthorChart from db query Posts
I have a data adapter from a db query similar to “select date, product, sum(amount) / count(1) from table group by date, product”.
To view many series as there are products, i have to pivot my data, statically, as “select date, product, sum(case when product = ‘PA’ then amount else 0 end) AMOUNT_PA, sum(case when product = ‘PB’ then amount else 0 end) AMOUNT_PB… and so on” and then declare many series as amount fields (the same number of products).
This procedure is static, if the products increased i have to modify statement and series.
There is a way to make it dynamic? I wuld use the first statement in my data adapter.Sorry for my english and thanks to everyone for your support
Hello Bobo,
Could you provide us with one simplified example that demonstrates your case?
Please, provide us with more details.Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
https://www.jqwidgets.comHallo Hristo,
these are chart settings:
settings2 = {
title: “Andamento Obiettivi nel periodo selezionato”,
description: “”,
source: adapter1,
enableAnimations: true,
showLegend: true,
padding: { left: 10, top: 5, right: 10, bottom: 5 },
titlePadding: { left: 50, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 10 },
dataField: ‘DT_EVENTO’,
formatFunction: function (value) {
var mm = value.getMonth() + 1, // getMonth() is zero-based
dd = value.getDate();
return [
(dd>9 ? ” : ‘0’) + dd,
(mm>9 ? ” : ‘0’) + mm,
type: ‘date’,
baseUnit: ‘month’,
valuesOnTicks: true,
minValue: dtIni,
maxValue: dtFin,
tickMarks: {
visible: true,
interval: 1,
color: ‘#BCBCBC’
unitInterval: 1,
gridLines: {
visible: true,
interval: 3,
color: ‘#BCBCBC’
labels: {
angle: -45,
rotationPoint: ‘topright’,
offset: { x: 0, y: -25 }
visible: true,
title: { text: ‘Percentuale’ },
tickMarks: { color: ‘#BCBCBC’ },
maxValue: 100,
minValue: 0,
unitInterval: 10
colorScheme: ‘scheme04’,
type: ‘line’,
series: [
{ dataField: ‘P_ESE_LUD’, displayText: ‘ESRCIZI LUDICI’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_LAV_FIS’, displayText: ‘LAVORO FISICO’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_MOV_DIF’, displayText: ‘MOVIMENTO DIFENSIFO’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_MOV_OFFF’, displayText: ‘MOVIMENTO OFFENSIVO’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_PRI_FAS’, displayText: ‘PRIMA FASE’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_REP’, displayText: ‘REPARTO’ },
{ dataField: ‘P_SKI’, displayText: ‘SKILLS’ }
}and this is the query that generate the adapter (query calculates cumulative values, this is the reason for the variables)
MOV_DIF, @cumMOV_DIF := @cumMOV_DIF + MOV_DIF MOV_DIF_CUM, @cumMOV_DIF / minuti_allto * 100 P_MOV_DIF,
LAV_FIS, @cumLAV_FIS := @cumLAV_FIS + LAV_FIS LAV_FIS_CUM, @cumLAV_FIS / minuti_allto * 100 P_LAV_FIS,
ESE_LUD, @cumESE_LUD := @cumESE_LUD + ESE_LUD ESE_LUD_CUM, @cumESE_LUD / minuti_allto * 100 P_ESE_LUD,
MOV_OFF, @cumMOV_OFF := @cumMOV_OFF + MOV_OFF MOV_OFF_CUM, @cumMOV_OFF / minuti_allto * 100 P_MOV_OFF,
PRI_FAS, @cumPRI_FAS := @cumPRI_FAS + PRI_FAS PRI_FAS_CUM, @cumPRI_FAS / minuti_allto * 100 P_PRI_FAS,
REP, @cumREP := @cumREP + REP REP_CUM, @cumREP / minuti_allto * 100 P_REP,
SKI, @cumSKI := @cumSKI + SKI SKI_CUM, @cumSKI / minuti_allto * 100 P_SKI
select a.dt_evento, MINUTI_ALLTO,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘MOVIMENTO DIFENSIVO’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) MOV_DIF,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘LAVORO FISICO’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) LAV_FIS ,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘ESERCIZI LUDICI’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) ESE_LUD,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘MOVIMENTO OFFENSIVO’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) MOV_OFF,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘PRIMA FASE’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) PRI_FAS,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘REPARTO’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) REP,
sum(case when at.DS_OBIETTIVO = ‘SKILLS’ then ifnull(e.QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0) else 0 end) SKI
from allto_albero_tecnico at
join allto_allenamento a on a.cd_categ = ‘$cat’
left join allto_esercizi e on e.DT_EVENTO = a.DT_EVENTO and e.CD_CATEG = a.CD_CATEG and e.ID_OGGETTO_ALLTO = at.ID_OGGETTO_ALLTO
join (
select DT_EVENTO, @min_tot := @min_tot + sum(ifnull(QT_MINUTI_EFFETTIVI,0)) MINUTI_ALLTO
from allto_esercizi
where ifnull(cd_categ,’$cat’) = ‘$cat’ and
ifnull(dt_evento,str_to_date(‘$dtIni’,’%d/%m/%Y’)) between str_to_date(‘$dtIni’,’%d/%m/%Y’) and STR_TO_DATE(‘$dtFin’,’%d/%m/%Y’)
group by DT_EVENTO
) min_tot on a.DT_EVENTO = min_tot.dt_evento
where ifnull(a.cd_categ,’$cat’) = ‘$cat’ and
ifnull(a.dt_evento,str_to_date(‘$dtIni’,’%d/%m/%Y’)) between str_to_date(‘$dtIni’,’%d/%m/%Y’) and STR_TO_DATE(‘$dtFin’,’%d/%m/%Y’)
group by a.dt_evento, MINUTI_ALLTO
) A
order by 1,2Let me know if you need any more details
Hi Bobo,
In order to perform dynamic chart updates, please refer to: https://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxchart/jqxchart_1second_updates.htm?light. The example shows how to implement the required functionality and update the Chart data. In the demo, each second the Chart displays a new data set. That chart demo is also available for Angular, React and Vue.
Best regards,
Peter StoevjQWidgets Team
https://www.jqwidgets.com/ -
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