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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart Chart Data

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Chart Data Posts
  • Chart Data #12005


    I’m trying to find a way to have multiple charts running from the same file and for the most part the system works great. But I’m trying to mix information. Currently the one file looks like
    1/1/2012, 15
    2/1/2012, 15
    3/1/2012, 15
    4/1/2012, 15
    5/1/2012, 15

    The next looks like
    1/1/2012, 15
    1/2/2012, 15
    1/3/2012, 15
    1/4/2012, 15

    I want to consolidate to be
    1/1/2012, 15
    1/2/2012, ,15
    1/3/2012, ,15
    1/4/2012, ,15
    2/1/2012, ,15
    3/1/2012, 15
    4/1/2012, 15
    5/1/2012, 15

    With out having a gap in the monthly graph. Is this possible with the current code?

    Chart Data #12031


    Hello dgindy,

    Could you please clarify if you are having multiple charts with the same source file or a single chart with two source files? In the latter case, you may use jqxDataAdapter to create two arrays with records from the two files and then merge the arrays, using the resultant array as a source for your chart.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Chart Data #12062


    I have multiple charts with a single file.

    The file contains daily figures in 1 column and at the first of the month a different figure in the second column. I’m trying to reduce the number of files that need to be updated in the process, creating single point of entry.

    Chart Data #12108


    How can I plot one series after the other in Charts, instead of having to plot all at the same time???
    In my application Ajax calls one series of measurement data after the other, each with a similar X-axis.
    (Eventually I will replace Ajax calls with websockets connection where the server will push new measurement data)

    Chart Data #12117



    Dgindy, using only a portion of a file as a source to a jqxChart is not supported.

    CeesDekker, all the series in a jqxChart are plotted at the same time.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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