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Tagged: #jqwidgets-grid, cellsrenderer, javascript grid, jquery grid
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Todor 5 years, 6 months ago.
Hello ,
I have a json string that look like this( one record to keep it simple)[ { "Id":103646, "Created":"2019-06-19T21:35:17.41", "Status":"File Sent To Flex", "Type":"PS", "JobName":"BA1782RJ", "JobNumber":"J0887597", "Qty":"QTY", "Seq":"SEQ", "FormId":"6230", "TotalPages":12, "FileSize":"1050790", "FileSizeVar":"1 MB", "OrginalFileName":"D:\\INBOUND\\Mainframe\\jqpld\\CTDPRINT.S0102876_96274-00083358.TXT", "NewFileName":"J0887597_BA1782RJ_SEQ_6230_QTY_01782-01066944-001-24-221R_D_FLEX_20190619_100000000000103646.PS", "Submitter":"P01782", "Site":"NA", "FileDate":"2019-06-19T09:35:13", "UniqueId":"100000000000103646", "RetentionPath":"\\\\server\\D$\\RETENTION\\MainFrameParser\\20190619\\jqpld", "LogFile":"\\\\server\\D$\\logs\\OmanMainFrameParser\\20190619\\CTDPRINT.S0102876_96274-0008335820190619093517.log", "Message":"Good", "Workflow":"GMC", "MPFWorkflow":"MAINFRAME", "ForeColor":"#000000", "BackColor":"#ADFF2F", "Modified":"2019-06-19T21:35:52.55", "GMCCount":1 } ]
I have a column called Status I want to set the background and foreground colors base on fields ForeColor and BackColor in my json string.
best regards
Mikeif any was wondering on how to to this, its with the cellsrendererfunction :
`{ text: “Status”, width: 50, datafield: “Status”, cellsalign: ‘center’, align: ‘center’, filtertype: ‘checkedlist’,
cellsrenderer: function (row, column, value, defaultHtml, columnSettings, record) {
var forecolor = record.ForeColor;
var backcolor = record.BackColor;
var element = $(defaultHtml);
element.css({ ‘background-color’: backcolor });
element.css({ ‘color’: forecolor });
return element[0].outerHTML;
return defaultHtml
best regards
MikeHello Mike,
Thanks for sharing the solution with the community!
Best Regards,
TodorjQWidgets Team
https://www.jqwidgets.com -
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