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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors NumberInput BUG with decimalSeparator set to comma

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • BUG with decimalSeparator set to comma #45431


    Try to instance a jqxNumberInput like this:
    $(‘#jqxNumberInput’).jqxNumberInput({ width: ‘170px’, height: ’24px’, digits: 10, decimalSeparator: ‘,’, groupSeparator: ‘.’, max: 9999999999, min: -9999999999, spinButtons: false});

    This is the Italian way to write a number
    In Italian 1234.56 is written like 1.234,56

    After if you try to set a value with something like this:
    $(‘#jqxNumberInput’).jqxNumberInput(‘val’, 1234.01);

    or like this:

    the value displayed is wrong… I expected 1.234,01 but it’s displayed 123.401,00

    The BUG is happening only if you set decimalSeparator to comma…
    By using the English way to write a number (1,234.01) this problem never happen.

    I’m using the last release of jqxWidget –> jQWidgets v3.0.4 Release, November-01-2013

    Please reply to me.

    BUG with decimalSeparator set to comma #45439

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Fabio,

    We will test that and in case we reproduce it, we will add a work item. Thank you for the feedback!

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    BUG with decimalSeparator set to comma #45604

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Fabio,

    After investigation we found that there is no problem. If you changed the separator to “,” that means that when you enter a Number, you should use the same format i.e you should write $(“#numericInput”).val(“1234,01”); as “,” is your decimal separator.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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