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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Bug when edit cell with cellsformat 'f2'

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Michael

    i use a celleditor with 2 decimal digits for a column with numbers.
    If i select the number cell (not doubleclick or F2!) and enter a number the second digit get positioned after the decimal point automatically.
    If i want to enter 100 i have to input 1 reposition the coursor and then i can enter 00.
    This behavoiour only happen if the renderer is formatted with cellsformat: ‘f2’.


    Is this a bug or is there somthing wrong with the configuration?

    Kind regards


    Hello Michael,

    This is because you select the cell and its content, you do not go into edit mode.
    As I see if you want to edit the cell, you need to double-click on it ie: editmode: 'dblclick'

    If you want to be able to edit the cell with a single click, you need to change the editmode to click

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team


    Hello Stanislav,

    i want the editmode with a double click.

    If i type in a selected cell then i switch to editmode.
    If i didn’t use “cellsformat: ‘f2’” for the renderer then it works as expected!
    Only if i format the renderer then typing in a cell has not the same behaviour like without the formatted renderer?
    That’s strange.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Stanislav,

    can you please reply my question above?
    Didn’t you think the behaviour is a bug? I don’t want to change the selection-mode.

    Kind regards


    Hello Michael,

    This is a correct behavior.
    If you start editing one cell (for “salary” column) every one number will be set before the dot and if you press “.” then the typed value will be separated and the next numbers will be entered after the dot.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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