A regular <input> box under the bootstrap has padding and a shadow when focused etc all given by the form-control class within bootstrap.min.css
I assumed that by setting the theme to bootstrap this would happen.
Instead the CSS created looks like this
<input style=”width: 468px; left: 0px; top: 0px; margin-top: 9px; text-align: left;” name=”since” class=”jqx-position-absolute jqx-reset jqx-reset-bootstrap jqx-clear jqx-clear-bootstrap jqx-input-content jqx-input-content-bootstrap jqx-widget-content jqx-widget-content-bootstrap jqx-rc-all jqx-rc-all-bootstrap” id=”inputjqwSince” autocomplete=”off” type=”textarea”>
There is no padding or shadow, I would like to assign the class form-control to this <input> element generated.