Dear jqWidgets Team
I like to know, if it is proper to re-assign a settings object of a jqx-widget. What I see is that it works, but I like to know if it is really designed for that.
$scope.grid = {};
$scope.$watch(function () {
return $scope.operators
}, function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
if (angular.isArray($ && $ > 0) {
$scope.gridSettings =
source: $,
<jqx-grid jqx-settings="gridSettings" jqx-create="gridSettings" jqx-instance="grid"></jqx-grid>
The grid settings are assigned in the angular watch. The only thing, which changes in aspect of the jqx settinsg is the source property; What I observe is that if the watch is triggered, the grid is correctly refreshed/updated according the new data… however, my question: is it OK to do that? If not, why?
Thanks for your help.
– badera