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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular Angular Grid: How to permanently show filter button?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jdh 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • jdh

    I want to always show the filter button (the arrow or the hamburger menu, depending on version) on the field title row. I am not talking about the filter icon (there’s no reason to always show that, although there’s a setting for it), I’m talking about the menu button that slides in when you hover over the column header.

    The reason is, I just did a usability test, and in a number of cases the user had trouble either getting the button to slide in at all, no matter how many times they exited and entered the cell, or moved too far and it disappeared again. And I’ve had similar troubles as well. So I’d like to just adjust the column widths for it, and always show the menu, so they don’t have to wait for the finicky slide-in transition.

    Peter Stoev

    The property’s name of our Grid is called autoshowcolumnsmenubutton. It should be set to false, in case you want the menu button to be always shown.


    Thank you, that property looks like what I’m looking for. I’m using version 5.4, and I’ve included jqxMenu, but still the menu button only pops in when I hover over the column title. Are there any other dependencies in order to use this?


    Never mind, just had something else wrong. It’s working now!

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