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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Align text in edit mode?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ChaseRLewis73003 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Align text in edit mode? #94663


    I have columntypes for various data columns with date, number, and textbox values with edit mode enabled. I can set the textbox columntype text alignment with css, but the date & number jqx elements have element level text align properties set to them by javascript. Is there a way to adjust this alignment when a cell enters edit mode for the date & number inputs?

    I could live with the right alignment of the jqxnumberinput, but the left alignment of jqxdatetime looks pretty awkward if the cell is notably wider than the string.

    Align text in edit mode? #94665


    Found the answer. Set the ‘textAlign’ value in the initeditor callback.

    initeditor: function(row,cell,editor)
    editor.jqxDateTimeInput({textAlign: ‘center’});

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