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jQuery UI Widgets Forums ASP .NET MVC Algin for grid column created by Core MVC UI Tag Helpers not working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Admir Hodžić

    When creating grid using Core MVC UI Tag Helpers.
    For algin of columns there is intelliSense property inside jqx-grid-column editable
    But that seemn not to working.
    On page source created by Tag Helper there is no property for algin.

    That is not a case for cells-align which works as shod.

    Here is my razor code

     <jqx-grid-column editable="true" datafield="fc" text="FC" width="100"   cells-format="C2"  cells-align="HorizontalAlignment.Right" align="center" column-type="numberinput" cell-begin-edit="function(row, datafield, columntype, value){
                                                    if (row==0){
                                                     return false;
                                    }"   ></jqx-grid-column>

    end here is source of created HTML

    { text: 'FC', dataField: 'fc', cellBeginEdit: function(row, datafield, columntype, value){
                                                    if (row==0){
                                                     return false;
                                    }, cellsAlign: 'right', cellsFormat: 'C2', columnType: 'numberinput', editable: true, width: 100 }

    Peter Stoev

    The ASP .NET Grid tag helper does not have such property currently. You can set it by using the Grid “setcolumnproperty” javascript method.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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