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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid aggregate text over two or more columns

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • aggregate text over two or more columns #66457


    Dear jqWidget Team

    I have a table with multiple columns. I like to display some aggregates on the last few columns (on the right half of the table).
    I also like to display how many rows we have in the table together with a text e.g. ‘Total number of entries: xx’ (on the left half of the table).
    But the problem is that none of the columns on the left half is wide enough to fit this ‘Total number of entries: xx’ aggregate text under just one column. How can I span the custom aggregated text over two ore more columns? Or how can I achieve what I need?
    I hope the situation is clear and we can do something!

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    – badera

    aggregate text over two or more columns #66471


    Hello badera,

    You can create a custom statusbar where you can position the aggregated data however you like. Use the method getcolumnaggregateddata to get the aggregates you need.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    aggregate text over two or more columns #66476


    Thank you, Dimitar, for your response.
    Well, if I do it with a custom statusbar, the problem is that I lose the visual column context for the columns I really want to keep the correct alignement of the displayed aggregates. I like e.g. to display a calculated sum exactly below the column. And even if the column is reordered or resized, I like to have the sum below. I think this is not possible with your proposition?

    – badera

    aggregate text over two or more columns #66511


    Hi badera,

    You are correct in your supposition.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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