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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors Button, RepeatButton, ToggleButton, LinkButton A few questions about roundedCorners of buttons

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • elgs

    Here’s what I copied from the button’s API doc. I have a few questions regarding the roundedCorners:
    1. the default value ‘jqx-rc-all’ does not seem to be any of the possible values listed below;
    2. the ‘jqx-rc-t’ in the code examples below also does not seem to be any of the possible values;
    3. it seems a possible value of ‘none’ is needed, what if I don’t want any roundedCorner at all? Right now setting the value to ‘none’ or anything other than the possible values will cause Javascript error in the console.

    roundedCorners	String	'jqx-rc-all'
    Enables or disables the rounded corners functionality. This property setting has effect in browsers which support CSS border-radius.
    Possible Values: 
    'all' - for all corners
    'top'- for top corners
    'bottom' - for bottom corners
    'left' - for left corners
    'right' - for right corners
    'top-right' - for top right corners
    'top-left' - for top left corners
    'bottom-right' - for bottom right corners
    'bottom-left' - for bottom left corners
    Code examples
    Set the roundedCorners property.
    $("#jqxButton").jqxButton({ roundedCorners: 'jqx-rc-t'});


    Hello elgs,

    Thank you for this feedback.
    You could use initial public CSS style settings as in the example below:

    #Button {
    	border-top-left-radius: 15px;

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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