Name | Type | Default |
Sets or gets the animationDuration property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [animationDuration]="500"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the backgroundColor property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [backgroundColor]="'red'"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the barSpacing property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [barSpacing]="12"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the baseValue property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [baseValue]="30"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the colorScheme property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [colorScheme]="'scheme02'"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface BarGaugeCustomColorScheme { name: String; colors: Array<String>; } Sets or gets the customColorScheme property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [colorScheme]="colorScheme" [customColorScheme]='{"name":"colorScheme","colors":["#FFCF5E","#E83C64","#FF60B9","#52BDE8"]}' > </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the disabled property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [disabled]="true"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the endAngle property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [endAngle]="180"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
(value: Number, index: Number, color: String): Any
Sets or gets the formatFunction property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [formatFunction]="formatFunction"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface Size { size?: String | Number; } Sets or gets the height property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface BarGaugeLabels { connectorColor?: String; connectorWidth?: Number; font?: BarGaugeLabelsFont; formatFunction?: (value?: Number, index?: Number) => String; indent?: Number; precision?: Number; visible?: Boolean; } interface BarGaugeLabelsFont { color?: String; size?: Number | String; family?: String; } Sets or gets the labels property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [labels]="labels"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Number | String
Sets or gets the max property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="60"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the min property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [min]="-25"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Number | String
Sets or gets the relativeInnerRadius property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [relativeInnerRadius]="0"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
() => Void
Sets or gets the rendered property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [rendered]="rendered"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the startAngle property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [startAngle]="200"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface BarGaugeTitle { text?: String; font?: BarGaugeTextFont; horizontalAlignment?: BarGaugeHorizontalTitleAlignment; margin?: BarGaugeTitleMargin; subtitle?: BarGaugeTitleSubtitle; verticalAlignment?: BarGaugeVerticalTitleAlignment; } interface BarGaugeTextFont { color?: String; family?: String; opacity?: Number; size?: Number | String; weight?: Number; } enum BarGaugeHorizontalTitleAlignment { left, center, right } interface BarGaugeTitleMargin { bottom?: Number; left?: Number; right?: Number; top?: Number; } enum BarGaugeVerticalTitleAlignment { top, bottom } interface BarGaugeTitleSubtitle { text?: String; font?: BarGaugeTextFont; } Sets or gets the title property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [title]="title"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface BarGaugeTooltip { classname?: String; formatFunction?: (value?: Any, index?: Number) => String; visible?: Boolean; precision?: Number; } Sets or gets the tooltip property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [tooltip]="tooltip"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the useGradient property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150" [useGradient]="false"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Sets or gets the values property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
interface Size { size?: String | Number; } Sets or gets the width property.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
The event is raised when the BarGauge finish rendering. Commonly used in combination with drawStart event.
Code examples
Bind to the drawEnd event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onDrawEnd)="DrawEnd($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { DrawEnd(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
The event is raised when the BarGauge starts rendering again. Commonly used in combination with drawEnd event.
Code examples
Bind to the drawStart event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onDrawStart)="DrawStart($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { DrawStart(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Fires when the jqxBarGauge is rendered for the first time. The BarGauge is initialized.
Code examples
Bind to the initialized event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onInitialized)="Initialized($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { Initialized(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Fires when a BarGauge's tooltip is closed.
Code examples
Bind to the tooltipClose event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onTooltipClose)="TooltipClose($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { TooltipClose(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Fires when a BarGauge's tooltip is open.
Code examples
Bind to the tooltipOpen event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onTooltipOpen)="TooltipOpen($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { TooltipOpen(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Fires after the values are changed.
Code examples
Bind to the valueChanged event of jqxBarGauge.
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge (onValueChanged)="ValueChanged($event)" [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent { ValueChanged(event: any): void { // Do Something } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
Name | Return Type | Arguments |
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild( 'myBarGauge') myBarGauge: jqxBarGaugeComponent; ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.myBarGauge.refresh(); } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild( 'myBarGauge') myBarGauge: jqxBarGaugeComponent; ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.myBarGauge.render(); } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {
value: Array<Number>
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-root", template: ` <jqxBarGauge #myBarGauge [values]="values" [width]="600" [height]="600" [max]="150"> </jqxBarGauge> `}) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild( 'myBarGauge') myBarGauge: jqxBarGaugeComponent; ngAfterViewInit(): void { let value = this.myBarGauge.val([112, 125, 150, 137]); } title: string = 'Ranking'; values: number[] = [102, 115, 130, 137]; labels: jqwidgets.BarGaugeLabels = { connectorColor: 'green', connectorWidth: 1 }; tooltip: jqwidgets.BarGaugeTooltip = { formatFunction: (value: any, index: number): string => { return `${value} $`; }, visible: true, precision: 0 }; rendered = (): void => { // Do Something }; formatFunction(value: number, index: number, color: string): string {