When creating grid using Core MVC UI Tag Helpers.
For algin of columns there is intelliSense property inside jqx-grid-column editable
But that seemn not to working.
On page source created by Tag Helper there is no property for algin.
That is not a case for cells-align which works as shod.
Here is my razor code
<jqx-grid-column editable="true" datafield="fc" text="FC" width="100" cells-format="C2" cells-align="HorizontalAlignment.Right" align="center" column-type="numberinput" cell-begin-edit="function(row, datafield, columntype, value){
if (row==0){
return false;
}" ></jqx-grid-column>
end here is source of created HTML
{ text: 'FC', dataField: 'fc', cellBeginEdit: function(row, datafield, columntype, value){
if (row==0){
return false;
}, cellsAlign: 'right', cellsFormat: 'C2', columnType: 'numberinput', editable: true, width: 100 }