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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors FileUpload How to send additionnal $_POST datas ?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  devsim 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • How to send additionnal $_POST datas ? #68471


    As the widget manages the request I was wondering how I could send additionnal datas with the file(s).
    This can be done with a standart xhr where the request argument can contain $_FILES + $_POST .. Can it be done with jqxFileUpload ?

    Thanks in advance


    Also I had some remarks but saw that they had been posted yet :
    – Multiple files : I can not select multiple files althought the multipleFilesUpload property is set to true (?)
    – Type filtering : in FF & Safari (accept property) doesn’t seems to work with an extension (it works with ‘image/*’), but it doesn’t work neither with the standart file API ..


    Hi krunch,

    1. Currently, additional data cannot be sent to the server through jqxFileUpload. We will consider implementing this feature in a future version.
    2. You can select multiple files in jqxFileUpload only one by one.
    3. This is a browser-related issue. The widget only applies the property as accept attribute to the internal file inputs. There is a known issue with Firefox and this may be the case for Safari, too.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    How to send additionnal $_POST datas ? #74869


    Here is a workaround for those who want to send additional POST data :

    $("#jqxFileUpload").on('uploadStart', function(){
            //CSS3 Selector to retreive the form
            $('form[action="upload.php"]').append('<input type="hidden" name="name" value="value" />');
    How to send additionnal $_POST datas ? #75945


    Thanks Yark, this is a good workaround!

    How to send additionnal $_POST datas ? #107621


    #yarkk WOW your such a genius Thanks a lot 😉

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