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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid How to filter rows containing different type of data in same column?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 10 years ago.

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  • abhishekkkk

    I am facing two issues in filter functionality and sorting functionality in Jqxgrid-

    (1)I need to filter rows in a column containing different type of data.That is-in he same column some rows contain data as a normal string(For eg. John) however some other rows in same column shows count which is being displayed using cells renderer .Going specific-the functionality is that if the length of data(here users) for the column is equal to one ,the user name itself would be displayed else the count for the same will be displayed(say 5).I have implemented this functionality but now filter is working for user count only,but I am not able to filter the user name.

    (2)The second issue is that we have a column having date displayed in 30-SEP-2015 12:30:55 GMT format.However ,the issue is that we try to sort the same in ascending or descending order using sort icon in header,it gets sorted according to month(is SEP) which is an alphabet.However as the date starts with day (ie 30 in this example) so it should sort according to this,.

    Can anyone please suggest any solution for these issues.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Abhishek Kumar

    Peter Stoev

    Hi abhishekkkk,

    In our Grid each column has one Data Type. It can’t have multiple Data Types and so Sorting and Filtering are always based on the Column’s Data Type. If you want to override this behavior, you will have to implement Server Paging along with Server Filtering and Server Sorting which means that our Grid will be only a View and all operations will be done by your code.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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