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jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Inline editing and jqxNumberInput

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  iyanark 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Inline editing and jqxNumberInput #4674



    I have a problem to set properties on jqxNumberInput to show positive Integer numbers without dot separator. Number 34533 in numberInput cell ‘Code’ shows like 34.533. Could you please help me?

    My code:

    // grid
    width : 885,
    source : dataAdapter,
    pageable : true,
    autoheight : true,
    editable : true,
    selectionmode : 'singlecell',
    pagesize : 5,
    pagesizeoptions : ['5', '10'],
    columns: [{
    text : 'Date to',
    datafield : 'dateTo',
    width : 110,
    columntype : 'datetimeinput'
    }, {
    text : 'Duration',
    datafield : 'duration',
    width : 120
    }, {
    text : 'Some text',
    datafield : 'text',
    width : 140
    }, {
    text : 'Code',
    datafield : 'code',
    width : 90,
    cellsalign : 'right'
    cellsformat : 'n',
    columntype : 'numberinput',
    initeditor : function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
    decimalDigits : 0,
    digits : 5,
    spinButtons : false,
    groupSize : 0
    }, {
    text : 'Currency',
    datafield : 'currency',
    width : 170,
    cellsalign : 'right'

    Thank you for help!

    Inline editing and jqxNumberInput #4683

    Peter Stoev

    The cell value is displayed like that because the Integer cells formatting is grouping the thousands in the number. If you want a different behavior, you can customize the cells rendering by using a ‘cellsrenderer’ callback function. For more details about it, please take a look at this help topic: jquery-grid-cellsrendering.htm.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Inline editing and jqxNumberInput #70281



    I have Problem in changing Negative number to Positive number.

    Enter the Negative value (e.g: -1.00) in jqxNumberInput control and Now try to Edit the positive values after editing to negative values and observe, It shouln’t allow for Positive Number. It won’t allow to delete the negative sign.

    Please suggest me to sort out this problem.

    Thanks in Advance
    Iyanar k

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