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jQuery UI Widgets Forums React Work with jqxForm


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Martin 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Work with jqxForm #106625


    Hi there!
    I’m new to Jqwidget. I want to using it in my project. But I can’t see any complete example about using jqWiget with multiple component like (dropdownlist,input,textArea,etc…)
    with fully function such as get and set the data, working with api.

    I try using jqxForm but getting a trouble like blackcrow’s post. the jqxdropdownlist unselectable. This example here:https://codesandbox.io/s/angry-wildflower-bytlv
    Then I try using normal form. This can solve above problem but i can only get the value of each component without name because jqWiget does not provide extra properties like(id or name)
    and I don’t want using setState for each components via onChange method.
    Does anybody know the right way to using this Framework in an Reactjs application.

    Thank a lot.

    Work with jqxForm #106627


    Hello chinhls,

    What do you mean that the jqxdropdownlist is unselectable?
    Could you provide a simplified example of your issue?
    Thank you!

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    Work with jqxForm #106629


    Hi Martin! Thank you for your quick response!
    I had provided example on above post. You can see here:
    When you click on button next to Andress input. You can see the dialog with three DropDownList. But the first Dropdownlist in this form is unselectable.

    Work with jqxForm #106644


    Hello chinhls,

    We have investigated this case and the issue occurs when there two jqxForms on the page with dropdownlist in them.
    We will create a work item for this case.
    Thank you for the feedback!

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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