Styling and Appearance
jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The
base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding,
border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds.
The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file.
Below is the list of CSS classes used by jqxTabs.
jqxTabs Style
- jqx-widget - applied to jqxTabs.
- jqx-tabs - applied to jqxTabs.
- jqx-tabs-close-button - applied to the tab close button.
- jqx-tabs-close-button-selected - applied to the tab close button when the tab is
- jqx-tabs-close-button-hover - applied to the tab close button when the mouse is
over the tab.
- jqx-tabs-arrow-left - applied to the tab's left scroll arrow.
- jqx-tabs-arrow-right - applied to the tab's right scroll arrow.
- jqx-tabs-arrow-background - applied to the tab's scroll arrows.
- jqx-tabs-title - applied to the tab's title.
- jqx-tabs-title-bottom - applied to the tab's title when the 'position' is 'bottom'.
- jqx-tabs-title a:link - applied to the anchor in tab's title.
- jqx-tabs-title a:hover
- jqx-tabs-title a:active
- jqx-tabs-title a:visited
- jqx-tabs-title-selected-top - applied to the tab's title when the tab is selected
and the jqxTab's position property is set to 'top'
- jqx-tabs-title-selected-bottom - applied to the tab's title when the tab is selected
and the jqxTab's position property is set to 'bottom'
- jqx-fill-state-pressed - applied to a selected tab.
- jqx-tabs-title-hover-top - applied to the tab's title when the tab is hovered and
the jqxTab's position property is set to 'top'
- jqx-tabs-title-hover-bottom - applied to the tab's title when the tab is hovered
and the jqxTab's position property is set to 'bottom'
- jqx-fill-state-hover - applied to a hovered tab.
- jqx-tabs-title-disable - applied to the tab's title when the tab is disabled
- jqx-tabs-header - applied to the tab's header
- jqx-widget-header - applied to the tab's header
- jqx-tabs-header-bottom - applied to the tab's header when the position is bottom
- jqx-tabs-header-collapsed - applied to the tab's header when the tab is collapsed
- jqx-tabs-header-collapsed-bottom - applied to the tab's header when the position
is bottom and tab is collapsed
- jqx-tabs-collapsed - applied to the tabs when the 'collapsed' is true.
- jqx-tabs-collapsed-bottom - applied to the tabs when the 'collapsed' is true and
'position' is bottom.
- jqx-tabs-selection-tracker-container - applied to the tab's selection tracker container
- jqx-tabs-selection-tracker-top - applied to the tab's selection tracker when the
jqxTab's position property is set to 'top'.
- jqx-tabs-selection-tracker-bottom - applied to the tab's selection tracker when
the jqxTab's position property is set to 'bottom'.
- jqx-tabs-content - applied to the tab's content element which represents a DIV element.
- jqx-widget-content - applied to the tab's content element which represents a DIV element.
- jqx-fill-state-disabled - applied to the jqxTabs when it is disabled.
When you create a custom style with colors and backgrounds for jqxtabs, you need
to do the following:
- Add the above CSS classes related to jqxtabs
- After each CSS class, add your theme name.
For example:
- To apply your custom style to jqxtabs, you need to set its 'theme' property(option)
to point to your theme name string.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { // create jqxtabs. $('#jqxtabs').jqxTabs({ width: 550, height: 150, theme: 'summer' }); });</script>
- The sample below demonstrates how to set the 'Summer' theme to jqxtabs.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <title>jQuery Tabs - CSS Styling Sample</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.summer.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxcore.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxtabs.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { // create jqxtabs. $('#jqxtabs').jqxTabs({ width: 400, height: 150, theme: 'summer' }); }); </script><script async src=""></script><script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'G-2FX5PV9DNT');</script></head><body class='default'> <div id='jqxtabs'> <ul style='margin-left: 20px;'> <li>Tab 1</li> <li>Tab 2</li> <li>Tab 3</li> <li>Tab 4</li> <li>Tab 5</li> </ul> <div> Content 1 </div> <div> Content 2 </div> <div> Content 3 </div> <div> Content 4 </div> <div> Content 5 </div> </div></body></html>