Appearance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Type | Default | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
altrows | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the alternating rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: altrows is set to true
altstart | Number | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This property specifies the first alternating row. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: altstart is set to 2
altstep | Number | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the alternating step Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: altstep is set to 2
autoshowloadelement | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines whether the loading image should be displayed until the Grid's data is loaded. Code example
Set the
Get the
autoshowfiltericon | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) Displays the filter icon only when the column is filtered. When the value of this property is set to false, all grid columns will display a filter icon when the filtering is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
autoshowcolumnsmenubutton | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxmenu.js) Sets or gets whether the columns menu button will be displayed only when the mouse cursor is over a columns header or will be always displayed. Code example
Set the
Get the
adaptive | boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether adaptive mode is enabled. Code example:adaptive is set to true
adaptivewidth | number | 600 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the Grid's breakpoint width when adaptive mode is actived. Code example:adaptivewidth is set to false
compact | boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether compact mode is enabled. Code example:compact is set to true
contextmenuitems | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether context menu items are set. Code example:contextmenuitems is set to a custom array
contextmenuenabled | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether context menu is enabled. Code example:contextmenuenabled is set to true
contextmenuwidth | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether context menu width is set. Code example:contextmenuwidth is set to 200
contextmenuheight | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether context menu height is set. Code example:contextmenuheight is set to 250
contextmenuitemclick | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether contextmenuitemclick is set. Code example:contextmenuitemclick is set to a custom function
commandcolumn | boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets whether command column is enabled. Code example:commandcolumn is set to true
commandcolumnrenderer | Function | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets a custom command column rendering function |
clipboard | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the clipboard operations Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: clipboard is set to false
closeablegroups | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) When the value of this property is true, a close button is displayed in each grouping column. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: closeablegroups is set to false
columnsmenuwidth | Number | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxmenu.js) Sets or gets the columns menu width. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: columnsmenuwidth is set to 40
columnmenuopening | Function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback called when a column menu is opening. You can use it for changing the size of the menu or cancelling the opening. Three params are passed - menu, datafield and menu's height. If you return false, the opening will be cancelled. Code example
Set the
Get the
columnmenuclosing | Function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback called when a column menu is closing. Three params are passed - menu, datafield and menu's height. If you return false, the closing will be cancelled. Code example
Set the
Get the
cellhover | Function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback called when a cell is hovered. Code example
Set the
Get the
enablekeyboarddelete | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the delete of a cell/row values by using the "delete" key. The property has effect when Code example
Set the
Get the
enableellipsis | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines whether ellipsis will be displayed, if the cells or columns content overflows. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: enableellipsis is set to false
enablemousewheel | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines whether mousewheel scrolling is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: enablemousewheel is set to false
enableanimations | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the grid animations. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: enableanimations is set to false
enabletooltips | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the grid tooltips. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: enabletooltips is set to true
enablehover | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the grid rows hover state. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: enablehover is set to false
enablebrowserselection | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables the text selection of the browser. Code example
Set the
Get the
everpresentrowposition | String | 'top' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the position of the ever present row. Possible values: "top", "bottom", "topAboveFilterRow". Code example
Set the
Get the
everpresentrowheight | Number | 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the height of the ever present row. Code example
Set the
Get the
everpresentrowactions | String | "add reset" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the actions of the ever present row. Possible values: "add", "reset", "update", "delete". Instead of "add", you can also use "addBottom" which is the same as "add", but adds the new row to the bottom of the Grid. Code example
Set the
Get the
everpresentrowactionsmode | String | "popup" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the actions display mode. By default they are displayed in a popup. You can set the property to "columns" and define columns with datafields - addButtonColumn, resetButtonColumn, updateButtonColumn and deleteButtonColumn to display the actions in columns. Code example
Set the
Get the
filterrowheight | Number | 31 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the filter row's height. Code example
Initialize a Grid with the
Get the
Try it: filterrowheight is set to 35
filtermode | String | "default" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) The property specifies the type of rendering of the Filter Menu. Possible values: "default" and "excel". In "excel" mode, the Filter Menu displays a ListBox with Checkboxes with all unique cell values. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: filtermode is set to 'excel'
groupsrenderer | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) This function is called when a group is rendered. You can use it to customize the default group rendering. Code example
Set the
Get the
groupcolumnrenderer | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Sets or gets a custom renderer for the grouping columns displayed in the grouping header when the grouping feature is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
groupsexpandedbydefault | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Sets or gets the default state of the grouped rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
handlekeyboardnavigation | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The function is called when a key is pressed. If the result of the function is true, the default keyboard navigation will be overriden for the pressed key. Code example
Set the
Get the
pagerrenderer | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) The function is called when the Grid Pager is rendered. This allows you to customize the default rendering of the pager. Code example
Set the
Get the
rtl | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets a value indicating whether widget's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rtl is set to true
showdefaultloadelement | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines whether the Grid should display the built-in loading element or should use a DIV tag with class 'jqx-grid-load' Code example
Set the
Get the
showfiltercolumnbackground | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) When this property is true, the Grid adds an additional visual style to the grid cells in the filter column(s). Code example
Set the
Get the
showfiltermenuitems | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) Determines whether to display the filtering items in the column's menu. Code example
Set the
Get the
showpinnedcolumnbackground | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
When this property is true, the Grid adds an additional visual style to the grid cells in the pinned column(s). Code example
Set the
Get the
showsortcolumnbackground | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) When this property is true, the Grid adds an additional visual style to the grid cells in the sort column. Code example
Set the
Get the
showsortmenuitems | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) Determines whether to display the sort menu items. Code example
Set the
Get the
showgroupmenuitems | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Determines whether to display the group menu items. Code example
Set the
Get the
showrowdetailscolumn | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows an additional column with expand/collapse toggle buttons when the Row details feature is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
showheader | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows or hides the columns header. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showheader is set to false
showgroupsheader | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Shows or hides the groups header area. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showgroupsheader is set to false
showaggregates | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.aggregates.js) Shows or hides the aggregates in the grid's statusbar. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showaggregates is set to true
showgroupaggregates | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.aggregates.js and jqxgrid.grouping.js) Shows or hides the aggregates in Grid groups. Code example
Set the
Get the
showeverpresentrow | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows or hides an additional row in jqxGrid which allows you to easily add new rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
showfilterrow | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) Shows or hides the filter row. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showfilterrow is set to true
showemptyrow | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows or hides the empty row label when the Grid has no records to display. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showemptyrow is set to false
showstatusbar | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows or hides the grid's statusbar. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showstatusbar is set to true
statusbarheight | Number | 34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the statusbar's height. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: statusbarheight is set to 50
showtoolbar | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows or hides the grid's toolbar. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: showtoolbar is set to true
selectionmode | String | 'singlerow' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.selection.js) Sets or gets the selection mode. Possible Values:
Code example
Set the
Get the
theme | String | '' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the widget's theme. jQWidgets uses a pair of css files - jqx.base.css and jqx.[theme name].css. The base stylesheet creates the styles related to the widget's layout like margin, padding, border-width, position. The second css file applies the widget's colors and backgrounds. The jqx.base.css should be included before the second CSS file. In order to set a theme, you need to do the following:
Try it: theme is set to 'energyblue'
toolbarheight | Number | 34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the toolbar's height. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: toolbarheight is set to 40
Layout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Type | Default | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
autoheight | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the height of the grid to be equal to the summary height of the grid rows. This option should be set when the Grid is in paging mode. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: autoheight is set to true
autorowheight | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This property works along with the "autoheight" property. When it is set to true, the height of the Grid rows is dynamically changed depending on the cell values. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: autorowheight is set to true
columnsheight | Number | 32 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the columns height. Code example
Initialize a Grid with the
Get the
Try it: columnsheight is set to 30
deferreddatafields | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines the cell values displayed in a tooltip next to the scrollbar when the "scrollmode" is set to "deferred". Code example
Set the
Get the
groupsheaderheight | Number/String | 34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Sets or gets the height of the Grid Groups Header. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: groupsheaderheight is set to 60
groupindentwidth | Number | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Sets or gets the group indent size. This size is used when the grid is grouped. This is the size of the columns with expand/collapse toggle buttons. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: groupindentwidth is set to 40
height | Number/String | 400 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the Grid's height. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: height is set to 300
pagerheight | Number/String | 40 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Sets or gets the height of the Grid Pager. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: pagerheight is set to 30
rowsheight | Number | 32 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the height of the grid rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rowsheight is set to 30
scrollbarsize | Number | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the scrollbars size. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: scrollbarsize is set to 20
scrollmode | String | "default" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines the scrolling mode. Possible Values:
Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: scrollmode is set to 'logical'
scrollfeedback | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the "scrollmode" is set to "deferred", the "scrollfeedback" function may be used to display custom UI Tooltip next to the scrollbar.
Code example
Set the $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid(
Get the
width | Number/String | 600 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the Grid's width. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: width is set to 500
Behavior | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Type | Default | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
autosavestate | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires Determines whether the Grid automatically saves its current state. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: autosavestate is set to true
autoloadstate | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires Determines whether the Grid automatically loads its current state(if there's already saved one). The Grid's state is loaded when the page is refreshed. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: autoloadstate is set to true
columns | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the Grid columns. Code example
Set the
Column Properties:
Try it: columns is set to a custom array
Try it: columns is set dynamically
columngroups | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The columngroups property enables you to create a Grid with multi column headers.
Possible values for each array entry:
Code example
enableSanitize | boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardview | boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardviewcolumns | [] | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardheight | number | 250 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardsize | number | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
columnsmenu | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxmenu.js) Enables or disables the columns dropdown menu. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: columnsmenu is set to true
columnsresize | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsresize.js) Enables or disables the columns resizing. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: columnsresize is set to true
columnsautoresize | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsresize.js)
Enables or disables the columns resizing when the column's border is double-clicked and Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: columnsautoresize is set to true
columnsreorder | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsreorder.js) Enables or disables the columns reordering. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: columnsreorder is set to true
disabled | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the Grid's plugin. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: disabled is set to true
editable | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.edit.js) The editable property enables or disables the Grid editing feature. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: editable is set to true
editmode | String | 'selectedcell' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.edit.js) The editmode property specifies the action that the end-user should make to open an editor. Possible Values:
Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: editmode is set to 'dblclick'
filter | Function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) Custom Filtering function. It overrides the built-in Filtering. When the user filters, the Grid calls this function, when it is implemented. The function is expected to return a boolean value or undefined. cellValue, rowData, dataField, filterGroup, defaultFilterResult
Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: filter is set to custom function
filterable | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) Enables or disables the Grid Filtering feature. When the value of this property is true, the Grid displays a filtering panel in the columns popup menus. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: filterable is set to true
groupable | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) This property enables or disables the grouping feature. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: groupable is set to true
groups | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) Sets or gets the Grid groups when the Grouping feature is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: groups is set to ['firstname']
horizontalscrollbarstep | Number | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the scrollbar's step when the user clicks the scroll arrows. Code example
Set the
Get the
horizontalscrollbarlargestep | Number | 50 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the scrollbar's large step. This property specifies the step with which the horizontal scrollbar's value is changed when the user clicks the area above or below the thumb. Code example
Set the
Get the
initrowdetails | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This function is called when the user expands the row details and the details are going to be rendered. Code example
Set the
Get the
keyboardnavigation | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.selection.js) Enables or disables the keyboard navigation. Code example
Set the
Get the
pagesize | Number | 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Sets or gets the number of visible rows per page when the Grid paging is enabled. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: pagesize is set to 30
pagesizeoptions | Array | ['5', '10', '20'] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Sets or gets the available page size options. Code example
Set the
Get the
pagermode | String | "default" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Sets or gets the rendering mode of the pager. Available values - "simple" and "default". Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: pagermode is set to "simple"
pagerbuttonscount | Number | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Sets or gets the buttons displayed in the pager when the "pagermode" is set to "simple". Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: pagerbuttonscount is set to 10
pageable | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Enables or disables the Grid Paging feature. When the value of this property is true, the Grid displays a pager below the rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: pageable is set to true
rowdetails | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the row details. When this option is enabled, the Grid can show additional information below each grid row. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: rowdetails is set to true
rowdetailstemplate | Object | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines the template of the row details. The rowdetails field specifies the HTML used for details. The rowdetailsheight specifies the height of the details. Code example
Set the
Get the
ready | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This function is called when the grid is initialized and the binding is complete. Code example
Set the
Get the
rendered | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback function which is called when the jqxGrid's render function is called either internally or not. Code example
Set the
Get the
renderstatusbar | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback function which allows you to customize the rendering of the Grid's statusbar. Code example
Set the
Get the
rendertoolbar | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Callback function which allows you to customize the rendering of the Grid's toolbar. Code example
Set the
Get the
rendergridrows | function | null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is a function called when the grid is used in virtual mode. The function should return an array of rows which will be rendered by the Grid. Code example
Set the
Get the
sortable | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) The sortable property enables or disables the sorting feature. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: sortable is set to true
sortmode | string | 'one' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) The sortmode property determines the Grid can sort by single or multiple columns. Code example:sortmode is set to 'many'
selectedrowindex | Number | -1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.selection.js) Selects a row at a specified index. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: selectedrowindex is set to 3
selectedrowindexes | Array | [] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.selection.js) Selects single or multiple rows. Code example
Set the
Get the
source | Object | {} | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxdata.js) The source object represents a set of key/value pairs. url: A string containing the URL to which the request is sent. data: Data to be sent to the server. localdata: data array or data string pointing to a local data source. datatype: the data's type. Possible values: 'xml', 'json', 'jsonp', 'tsv', 'csv', 'local', 'array', 'observablearray'. type: The type of request to make ("POST" or "GET"), default is "GET". id: A string containing the Id data field. root: A string describing where the data begins and all other loops begin from this element. record: A string describing the information for a particular record.
datafields: An array describing the fields in a particular record. Each datafield must define the following members: name - A string containing the data field's name. type(optional) - A string containing the data field's type. Possible values: 'string', 'date', 'number', 'bool'. format(optional) - Sets the data formatting. By setting the format, the jqxDataAdapter plug-in will try to format the data before loading it. Example: { name: 'SubmitDate', type: 'date', format: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss-HH:mm" } map(optional) - A mapping to the data field. Example with XML data: { name: 'CompanyName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CompanyName' } XML
Example with nested JSON data.
Example #2 with nested JSON data.
id - determines the id of a record in a foreign collection which should match to the record's name in the source collection. text - determines the display field from the foreign collection. source - determines the foreign collection associated to the data field. The expected value is an array. Example with using the id, text and source. This functionality allows you to join two or more data sources.
pagenum - determines the initial page number when paging is enabled. pagesize - determines the page size when paging is enabled. pager - callback function called when the current page or page size is changed.
sortcolumn - determines the initial sort column. The expected value is a data field name. sortdirection - determines the sort order. The expected value is 'asc' for (A to Z) sorting or 'desc' for (Z to A) sorting. sort - callback function called when the sort column or sort order is changed.
filter - callback function called when a filter is applied or removed.
addrow - callback function, called when a new row is/are added. If multiple rows are added, the rowid and rowdata parameters are arrays of row ids and rows.
deleterow - callback function, called when a row is deleted. If multiple rows are deleted, the rowid parameter is an array of row ids.
updaterow - callback function, called when a row is updated. If multiple rows are added, the rowid and rowdata parameters are arrays of row ids and rows. Example:
processdata - extend the default data object sent to the server.
formatdata - Before the data is sent to the server, you can fully override it by using the 'formatdata' function of the source object. The result that the 'formatdata' function returns is actually what will be sent to the server.
contenttype: Use this option, If you want to explicitly pass in a content-type. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The example code below illustrates how to create jqxDataAdapter from a source object.
If you on the Grid to remote data source using asynchronous requests( that is by default when you specify url in the source object and you didn't set the async field to false), then make sure that you call any method or set a property once the data is loaded. To ensure that you call your code when the Grid is loaded with data, use the Grid's ready callback function or on to the 'bindingcomplete' event before the Grid's initialization and call your code inside the event handler. Example with 'ready' callback:
Example with 'bindingcomplete':
Initialize a Grid with the source property specified. Bind the Grid to an array The data member is array. The datatype member is set to "array".
Try it: source is set to a custom object
sorttogglestates | String | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) Sets the sort toggle states. Possible Values:
Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: sorttogglestates is set to a 1
updatedelay | Number | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the rendering update delay. This could be used for deferred scrolling scenarios. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: updatedelay is set to 20
virtualmode | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enables or disables the virtual data mode. Code example
Set the
Get the
Try it: virtualmode is set to true
verticalscrollbarstep | Number | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the scrollbar's step when the user clicks the scroll arrows. Code example
Set the
Get the
verticalscrollbarlargestep | Number | 400 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets or gets the scrollbar's large step. This property specifies the step with which the vertical scrollbar's value is changed when the user clicks the area above or below the thumb. Code example
Set the
Get the
Events |
bindingcomplete | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the binding is completed. Note: Bind to that event before the Grid's initialization, because if you data bind the Grid to a local data source and bind to the "bindingcomplete" event after the initializaation, the data binding will be already completed. Code example
Bind to the
columnresized | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a Grid Column is resized. Code example
Bind to the
columnreordered | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a Grid Column is moved to a new position. Code example
Bind to the
columnclick | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a column is clicked. Code example
Bind to the
cellclick | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell is clicked. Code example
Bind to the
celldoubleclick | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell is double-clicked. Code example
Bind to the
cellselect | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell is selected. Code example
Bind to the
cellunselect | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell is unselected. Code example
Bind to the
cellvaluechanged | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell's value is changed. Code example
Bind to the
cellbeginedit | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell's editor is displayed. Code example
Bind to the
cellendedit | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a cell's edit operation has ended. Code example
Bind to the
filter | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the Grid is filtered. Code example
Bind to the
groupschanged | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a group is added, inserted or removed. Code example
Bind to the
groupexpand | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a group is expanded. Code example
Bind to the
groupcollapse | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a group is collapsed. Code example
Bind to the
pagechanged | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the current page is changed. Code example
Bind to the
pagesizechanged | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the page size is changed. Code example
Bind to the
rowclick | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row is clicked. Code example
Bind to the
rowdoubleclick | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row is double clicked. Code example
Bind to the
rowselect | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row is selected. Code example
Bind to the
rowunselect | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row is unselected. Code example
Bind to the
rowexpand | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row with details is expanded. Code example
Bind to the
rowcollapse | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when a row with details is collapsed. Code example
Bind to the
sort | Event | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This event is triggered when the Grid is sorted. Code example
Bind to the
Methods |
Common | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
autoresizecolumns | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsresize.js) Auto-resizes all columns. Optional parameter:'all' - resize columns to fit to cells and column header. This is the default option. 'cells' - resize columns to fit to the cells text. 'column' - resize columns to fit to the columns text.
None Code exampleInvoke theautoresizecolumns method.
autoresizecolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsresize.js) Auto-resizes a column. First Parameter - the column's datafield.Second Parameter(optional: 'all' - resize columns to fit to cells and column header. This is the default option. 'cells' - resize columns to fit to the cells text. 'column' - resize columns to fit to the columns text.
None Code exampleInvoke theautoresizecolumn method.
beginupdate | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starts an update operation. This is appropriate when calling multiple methods or set multiple properties at once. Optional boolean parameter: suspendAllActions. When you call beginupdate with parameter equal to
None Code example
Invoke the
clear | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clears the Grid contents.
None Code example
Invoke the
destroy | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes the Grid from the document and releases its resources.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: destroy the jqxGrid.
endupdate | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ends the update operation.
None Code example
Invoke the
ensurerowvisible | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scrolls to a row. The parameter is a bound index.
None Code example
Invoke the
focus | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets the keyboard Focus to the jqxGrid widget.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: focus the jqxGrid.
getcolumnindex | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsreorder.js) Gets the index of a column in the columns collection.
Number Code example
Invoke the
getcolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets a column by datafield value.Column's fields:
Object Code example
Invoke the
getcolumnproperty | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets a property of a column. Possible property names: 'text', 'hidden', 'hideable', 'renderer', 'cellsrenderer', 'align', 'cellsalign', 'cellsformat', 'pinned', 'contenttype', 'resizable', 'filterable', 'editable', 'cellclassname', 'classname', 'width', 'minwidth', 'maxwidth'
Object Code example
Invoke the
getrowid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the id of a row. The returned value is a 'String' or 'Number' depending on the id's type. The parameter is the row's bound index.
String Code example
Invoke the
getrowdata | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the data of a row. The returned value is a JSON Object. The parameter is the row's bound index. Note: If you pass a bound index of a row which is not visible in the Grid, the method returns null.
Object - returns the row's data. Code example
Invoke the
getrowdatabyid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the data of a row. The returned value is a JSON Object. The parameter is the row's id.
Object - returns the row's data. Code example
Invoke the
getrowboundindexbyid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the index of a row in the array returned by the
Number - returns the row's bound index. Code example
Invoke the
getrowboundindex | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the index of a row in the array returned by the
Number - returns the row's bound index. Code example
Invoke the
getrows | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets all rows. Returns an array of all rows loaded in the Grid. If the Grid is filtered, the returned value is an array of the filtered records.
Array Code example
Invoke the
getboundrows | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets all rows loaded from the data source. The method returns an Array of all rows. The Grid's sorting, filtering, grouping and paging will not affect the result of this method. It will always return the rows collection loaded from the data source.
Array Code example
Invoke the
getdisplayrows | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets all rows that are currently displayed in the Grid. The method returns an Array of the displayed rows. The Grid's sorting, filtering, grouping and paging will affect the result of this method.
Array Code example
Invoke the
getdatainformation | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets bound data information.
Object Code example
Invoke the
getsortinformation | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the sort information.
Object - object.sortcolumn - sort column's datafield or null. object.sortdirection - Object with two fields: { 'ascending': true, 'descending': false } Code example
Invoke the
getpaginginformation | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) Gets the paging information.
Object object.pagenum - page number, object.pagesize - page size, object.pagescount - total pages count. Code example
Invoke the
hidecolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hides a column.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: Hides a column in the jqxGrid.
hideloadelement | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hides the data loading image.
None Code example
Invoke the
hiderowdetails | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hides the details of a row.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: hide row details in the jqxGrid.
iscolumnvisible | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets whether a column is visible. Returns a boolean value.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
iscolumnpinned | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets whether a column is pinned. Returns a boolean value.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
localizestrings | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Localizes the grid strings. This method allows you to change the valus of all Grid strings and also to change the cells formatting settings.
None Code example
Invoke the
pincolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pins the column.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: pin a column in the jqxGrid.
refreshdata | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Refreshes the data.
None Code example
Invoke the
refresh | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repaints the Grid View.
None Code example
Invoke the
render | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Renders the Grid contents. This method completely refreshes the Grid cells, columns, layout and repaints the view.
None Code example
Invoke the
scrolloffset | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scrolls the grid contents.
None Code example
Invoke the
scrollposition | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Returns the scrollbars position.
Object object.left and - horizontal and vertical scroll position. Code example
Invoke the
showloadelement | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows the data loading image.
None Code example
Invoke the
showrowdetails | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows the details of a row.
None Code example
Invoke the
setcolumnindex | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.columnsreorder.js) Sets the index of a column in the columns collection.
None Code example
Invoke the
setcolumnproperty | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets a property of a column.Possible property names: 'text', 'hidden', 'hideable', 'renderer', 'cellsrenderer', 'align', 'cellsalign', 'cellsformat', 'pinned', 'contenttype', 'resizable', 'filterable', 'editable', 'cellclassname', 'classname', 'width', 'minwidth', 'maxwidth'
None Code example
Invoke the
showcolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows a column.
None Code example
Invoke the
unpincolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unpins the column.
None Code example
Invoke the
Try it: unpin a column in the jqxGrid.
updatebounddata | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Updates the bound data and refreshes the grid. You can pass 'filter' or 'sort' as parameter, if the update reason is change in 'filtering' or 'sorting'. To update only the data without the columns, use the 'data' parameter. To make a quick update of the cells, pass "cells" as parameter. Passing "cells" will refresh only the cells values when the new rows count is equal to the previous rows count. To make a full update, do not pass any parameter.
None Code example
Invoke the
updating | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the updating operation state. Returns a boolean value.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
Sorting(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
getsortcolumn | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(requires jqxgrid.sort.js) Gets the sort column. Returns the column's datafield or null, if sorting is not applied.
String Code example
Invoke the
removesort | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes the sorting.
None Code example
Invoke the
sortby | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorts the Grid data.
None Code example
Invoke the
Grouping(requires jqxgrid.grouping.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
addgroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Groups by a column.
None Code example
Invoke the
cleargroups | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clears all groups.
None Code example
Invoke the
collapsegroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Collapses a group.
None Code example
Invoke the
collapseallgroups | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Collapses all groups.
None Code example
Invoke the
expandallgroups | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expands all groups.
None Code example
Invoke the
expandgroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expands a group.
None Code example
Invoke the
getrootgroupscount | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the number of root groups.
Array Code example
Invoke the
getgroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets a group. The method returns an Object with details about the Group. The object has the following fields:
Number Code example
Invoke the
insertgroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Groups by a column.
None Code example
Invoke the
iscolumngroupable | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets whether the user can group by a column. Returns a boolean value.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
removegroupat | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes a group at specific index.
None Code example
Invoke the
removegroup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes a group.
None Code example
Invoke the
Filtering(requires jqxgrid.filter.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
addfilter | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adds a filter to the Grid.
None Code example
Invoke the
applyfilters | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applies all filters to the Grid.
None Code example
Invoke the
clearfilters | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clears all filters from the Grid. You can call the method with optional boolean parameter. If the parameter is "true" or you call the method without parameter, the Grid will clear the filters and refresh the Grid(default behavior). If the parameter is "false", the method will clear the filters without refreshing the Grid.
None Code example
Invoke the
getfilterinformation | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the information about the Grid filters. The method returns an array of the applied filters. The returned information includes the filter objects and filter columns. Each filter in the Array has the following fields:
None Code example
Invoke the
removefilter | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Removes a filter from the Grid.
None Code example
Invoke the
refreshfilterrow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Refreshes the filter row and updates the filter widgets. The filter row's widgets are synchronized with the applied filters.
None Code example
Invoke the
Paging(requires jqxgrid.pager.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gotopage | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navigates to a page when the Grid paging is enabled i.e when the pageable property value is true.
None Code example
Invoke the
gotoprevpage | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navigates to a previous page when the Grid paging is enabled i.e when the pageable property value is true.
None Code example
Invoke the
gotonextpage | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navigates to a next page when the Grid paging is enabled i.e when the pageable property value is true.
None Code example
Invoke the
Editing(requires jqxgrid.edit.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
addrow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adds a new row or multiple rows.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Invoke the
Invoke the
When you call the
The last parameter of the addrow method is optional. You can use values like: "first" and "last"(default value). If you pass "first", the new row will be added as a first row.
begincelledit | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows the cell's editor.
None Code example
Invoke the
beginrowedit | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shows the cell editors for an entire row.
None Code example
Invoke the
closemenu | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Closes a column's menu.
None Code example
Invoke the
deleterow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deletes a row or multiple rows. Returns a boolean value.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Invoke the
When you call the
endcelledit | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hides the edit cell's editor and saves or cancels the changes.
None Code example
Invoke the
endrowedit | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hides the edited row's editors and saves or cancels the changes.
None Code example
Invoke the
getcell | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets a cell. Returns an object with the following fields:
Object Code example
Invoke the
getcellatposition | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets a cell at specific position. Returns an object with the following fields:
Object Code example
Invoke the
getcelltext | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the text of a cell.
String Code example
Invoke the
getcelltextbyid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the text of a cell.
String Code example
Invoke the
getcellvaluebyid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the value of a cell.
Object Code example
Invoke the
getcellvalue | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the value of a cell.
Object Code example
Invoke the
isBindingCompleted | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Returns whether the binding is completed and if the result is true, this means that you can invoke methods and set properties. Otherwise, if the binding is not completed and you try to set a property or invoke a method, the widget will throw an exception.
Boolean Code example
Invoke the
openmenu | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Displays a column's menu.
None Code example
Invoke the
setcellvalue | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets a new value to a cell.
None Code example
Invoke the
setcellvaluebyid | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets a new value to a cell.
None Code example
Invoke the
showvalidationpopup | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Displays a validation popup below a Grid cell.
None Code example
Invoke the
updaterow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Updates a row or multiple rows.
None Code examples
Invoke the
Invoke the
When you call the
Selection(requires jqxgrid.selection.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
clearselection | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clears the selection.
None Code example
Invoke the
getselectedrowindex | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlerow', 'multiplerows' or 'multiplerowsextended' Gets the bound index of the selected row. Returns -1, if there's no selection.
Number Code example
Invoke the
getselectedrowindexes | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlerow', 'multiplerows' or 'multiplerowsextended' Gets the indexes of the selected rows. Returns an array of the selected rows.
Array Returns the indexes of the selected rows. Code example
Invoke the
getselectedcell | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlecell', 'multiplecells' or 'multiplecellsextended' Gets the selected cell. The returned value is an Object with two fields: 'rowindex' - the row's bound index and 'datafield' - the column's datafield.
Object Code example
Invoke the
getselectedcells | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlecell', 'multiplecells' or 'multiplecellsextended' Gets all selected cells. Returns an array of all selected cells. Each cell in the array is an Object with two fields: 'rowindex' - the row's bound index and 'datafield' - the column's datafield.
Array Code example
Invoke the
selectcell | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlecell', 'multiplecells' or 'multiplecellsextended' Selects a cell.
None Code example
Invoke the
selectallrows | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The selection mode should be set to: 'multiplerows' or 'multiplerowsextended' Selects all Grid rows.
None Code example
Invoke the
selectrow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlerow', 'multiplerows' or 'multiplerowsextended' Selects a row.
None Code example
Invoke the
Code example - Select a Row using its Display Index
Invoke the
unselectrow | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlerow', 'multiplerows' or 'multiplerowsextended' Unselects a row.
None Code example
Invoke the
Code example - Unselect a Row using its Display Index
Invoke the
unselectcell | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The expected selection mode is 'singlecell', 'multiplecells' or 'multiplecellsextended' Unselects a cell.
None Code example
Invoke the
Aggregates(requires jqxgrid.aggregates.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
getcolumnaggregateddata | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the aggregated data of a Grid column. Returns a JSON object. Each field name is the aggregate's type('min', 'max', 'sum', etc.).
None Code example
Invoke the
refreshaggregates | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Refreshes the Aggregates in the Grid's status bar. Code example
Invoke the
renderaggregates | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Renders the aggregates in the Grid's status bar.
None Code example
Invoke the
Export(requires jqxdata.export.js and jqxgrid.export.js) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
exportdata | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exports all rows loaded within the Grid to Excel, XML, CSV, TSV, HTML or JSON. The first parameter of the export method determines the export's type - 'xls', 'xml', 'html', 'json', 'pdf', 'tsv' or 'csv'. The second parameter is the file's name. If you don't provide a file name, the Grid will export the data to a local variable. For example:
The third parameter is optional and determines whether to export the column's header or not. Acceptable values are - true and false. By default, the exporter exports the columns header. The fourth parameter is optional and determines the array of rows to be exported. By default all rows are exported. Set null, if you want all rows to be exported. The fifth parameter is optional and determines whether to export hidden columns. Acceptable values are - true and false. By default, the exporter does not export the hidden columns. The sixth parameter is optional and determines the url of the export server. By default, the exporter is hosted on a jQWidgets server. The last parameter is optional and determines the char set.
None Code example
Invoke the
Code example with custom URL parameter
Export to Excel works with the ExcelML format. ExcelML is XML-based file format. It complies to the Microsoft XMLSS specification and is supported in Microsoft Office 2003 and later. * When you open export to Excel, you may receive the following message: "The file you are trying to open, 'file_name.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening this file. Do you want to open the file now?" The reason of this warning message is explained in details in the following post: excel-2007-extension-warning.aspx * Data export to PDF requires a browser with HTML5 support. |
exportview | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exports all rows loaded within the Grid to Excel, XML, CSV, TSV, HTML or JSON. The first parameter of the export method determines the export's type - 'xlsx', 'xml', 'html', 'json', 'pdf', 'tsv' or 'csv'. The second parameter is the file's name. If you don't provide a file name, the Grid will export the data to a local variable. For example:
The third parameter is optional and determines whether to export the column's header or not. Acceptable values are - true and false. By default, the exporter exports the columns header.
None Code example
Invoke the
Code example with custom URL parameter
* Data export to PDF requires a browser with HTML5 support.
Save/Load State(requires | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
getstate | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gets the Grid's state. the getstate method gets the following information: 'sort column, sort order, page number, page size, applied filters and filter row values, column widths and visibility, cells and rows selection and groups. The returned value is a JSON object with the following fields:
Object Code example
Invoke the
loadstate | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loads the Grid's state. the loadstate method loads the following information: 'sort column, sort order, page number, page size, applied filters and filter row values, column widths and visibility, cells and rows selection and groups.
None Code example
Invoke the
Code example with state object returned from the 'savestate' method.
Invoke the
savestate | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Saves the Grid's current state. the savestate method saves the following information: 'sort column, sort order, page number, page size, applied filters and filter row values, column widths and visibility, cells and rows selection and groups. The method saves the Grid's state, but also returns a JSON object with the state. In case of browsers that do not support localStorage, you can pass the state object to the 'loadState' method.
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Invoke the
openColumnChooser | Method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Opens the column chooser of the grid which allows you to setup columns visibility.
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Invoke the